so my encounter with Saji on Friday is really getting to me.
Dai-chan, Ru-kun and I were walking to the bus stop after the stupid after-school business.
Saji was waiting at the bus stop.
We somehow got on the subject of crushes,
and this and that.
Saji was amazing that I didn't like anyone.
He asked if I "loved" anyone, I said no.
He then said, "Oh. Do you like anyone, you know, have feelings for anyone at school?"
Of course my answer would be, "no."
I have no feelings towards people.
Or, feelings of "like" or "love".
Whatever you want to call it.
I won't waste my time on something unrequited.
I gave up already.
This is me, moving on.
For the better,
but it makes me worse.
Love to me, is a fool's game.
I would never let my guard down for just a second,
even if it meant gaining trust in someone.
Trust, that will be mixed with lust, and then called "love".
High school is the most ridiculous game ever.
It's just a gigantic game of twister, mixed with connect four. Connect four, is your academic life, make sure to get four in a row and you graduate. Twister, is your social life.
You get twisted of course, but keep your balance, your place, and you won't crumble.
I don't play games,
so this is nothing but bull.
I won't open my "heart", then I wouldn't be able to breath. If I don't open my "heart", there will be no "heart break", and I won't end up like a stupid mess.
Love here,
is just trust and lust.
How disgusting.
I bet it's more lust then love,
seeing as the only thing you can praise the other is on their looks, and by showing affection all you ever do is kiss, and yes that too.
Filthy humans.