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Yellow's Precious Thought-bin
Last Night
Loki's really beating himself up. He keeps thinking a whole bunch of things, chiefly the fact that he thinks Einarr hates him now. He also says that he feels like he whored himself out because Einarr said he feels like an animal. And I feel really bad because they're both beating themselves up.
Ganon says that he's going to talk to Einarr, though. Which, in my opinion, is an excellent idea. Because Ganon, when he was in love with me, would get together with Al'lik and Andro in order to find that release. And he doesn't feel bad about it, because he recognizes that it was something he needed, and it was mutual that nobody had any romantic interest.
So... did I do the wrong thing, then? I have to admit that I take full responsibility for this. I put Einarr in a position where I knew Loki would be able to seduce him (nobody can resist Loki). I gave the circumstances and I initiated the action. So I'm to blame here.
*sigh* You know, I'll never be able to forgive myself if my hero hates me now.