I'm not afraid to speak my mind, and I don't care what people think about me or what they say about me. So if you have something to say to me, go tell it to someone to cares. I don't care.
Maddie ish the bestest friend ever! She is the kind of person who I can just sit with in pure silence and not feel uncomfortable at all. She knows everything about me, and we both share common qualties. Like, we both tend to be quite lazy xD and we love Inuyasha and Naruto and stuff. We mostly like the same stuff each other likes. We text all da time (unless one of is is too lazy to text the other, or we have nothing to say other than "yep" or if we're doing something). I love her! Hugz, Maddie! -hugz- Blehhh I cry every time I remember she's going to Smith and not Spillane crying Great, the keyboards wet (not kidding). =P xP crying Stupid Hannah. I blame her. Hum hum dee dum. I luff Maddieness xD and crying ishn't very fun -.-
Awwww Payne crying -hugs- Dont cry! My eyes got all wet knowing that you were crying because of me crying We'll see each other again in high school! (I really hope so at least) And lolz I feel so special nowz xD