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Yellow's Precious Thought-bin
Study- Liam
Let it be known that I thought of it first! Nettie just beat me to it. ._.

Alexander Liam Morton

Classification: Human Spirit
Physical Age: 19
Actual Age: 23
Birthday: October 20th
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 182lbs
Gender: Male
Fighting Style: ---
Weapon of Choice: ---

General: "I love the outdoors! I like exercising regularly, and I admit it: I love eating."
Favorite Band(s): The Beatles
Favorite Genre(s) of Music: Oldies, Techno, and Pop (or anything with a great dance beat)
Favorite Movie(s): ---
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Song(s): Yellow Submarine (The Beatles) ; Dear Jamie... Sincerely, Me (HelloGoodbye) ; Macarena ; My Heart Beats Like A Drum (ATC)
Favorite Food(s): Granola, Cheesecake, Cheerios
Hobbie(s): Surfing, Dancing, Cooking
Quotes: "Granola? Where!?"
"We should catch some waves."

Relationship Status: Taken
Girlfriend: Ada

"I was a beach bum from Florida, up until about four years ago, when I saved my friend from drowning, but lost my life in the process. I stuck around for about two years, before finally moving on and traveling across the continent. I went on a sort of vacation, seeing all the sights I never got to see while I was alive (I even went to see Niagra Falls! Now that was breathtaking.) When I arrived in California, I was missing my family desperately, and was on the verge of being eradicated. I got help from Amanda, though, and joined this family. I've been here ever since, and I've got a beautiful girl that I love with all my heart. I don't think I've ever been this happy."