All works are copyrighted to Naree, unless otherwise stated. Please respect my work and the works of others, DO NOT STEAL. What happens to people who steal? The Garglesnorf comes after them.
People LOVE me! I GOT SS presents! *cheers* Look at my pretty presents!
This is from some of my closest Gaia friend whom I RP with ALL THE TIME! I LUFFLE THEM SO MUCH! THANKS GUYS!!
And now I have this one as well!!!
Thanks very much to a very good friend whom I do not let know how nice he is... Thank you Koji for all of your work and help!
LOOK WHAT MY SISTER ALTAR_OF_WISHES GOT ME! I love PERN! I have been reading these books for like 13 years! heart I love you sibling! heart
Thank you to Acidic_Cynic who gave me a silver bracelt!
Thank you to Necroscope who gave me a red forehead jewel.
Thank you to NemesisKenobie who gave me a blue forehead jewel.