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View User's Journal

Yellow's Precious Thought-bin
Study- Eli
Elianth of Flowing Rock Stronghold

Classification: Dragon
Physical Age: [Human Form]- 18
Actual Age: 3029
Birthday: April 9th
Length: 12'
Weight: 394lbs
Gender: Female
Fighting Style: "Rawr!!! ^w^"
Weapon of Choice: Claws and Teeth
Appearance: [x]

General: "I love sunbathing on the roof! I'm happy to be with this family, and I love all my babies very much! I'm so proud of all of them!!"
Favorite Band(s): Good Charlotte, Aqua, Mika
Favorite Genre(s) of Music: "I like stuff from all over!"
Favorite Movie(s): ---
Favorite Color: Magenta, Blue, Black
Favorite Song(s): Predictable (Good Charlotte) ; Take Me Out 9Franz Ferdinand) ; Barbie Girl (Aqua) ; Grace Kelly (Mika) ; Virus Alert (Weird Al Yankovic)
Favorite Food(s): Any Kind Of Meat
Hobbie(s): Sunbathing
Quotes: "Rawr!"
"-low rumbly sounds-"

Relationship Status: Taken
Boyfriend: Insroth

"I met up with Stephan and Deodire when they were searching for the Chosen! We met Harlen soon after that, and together we all started searching. We found two of the four, but when we reached Amanda, her garden was just so beautiful, and so pure... we just couldn't bring ourselves to leave. ^-^"