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Yellow's Precious Thought-bin
Study- Ganon
Ganondorf "Ganon" Dragmire

Classification: Poppet
Physical Age: 21
Actual Age: 404
Birthday: August 90th (He picked it. He doesn't believe me when I say there isn't an August 90th.)
Height: 6'
Weight: 270lbs ("All muscle!! ... And claws. 3nodding " wink
Gender: Male
Fighting Style: Poppet
Weapon of Choice: Claws
Appearance: [x]

General: "I love Amanda so much!! Next to Nettie, I've known her longer than anyone else in the family. She's my charge, and I'll always always always take care of her. She's amazing, and I like to praise her because it makes her smile. :3
I love Neandr too (she's my girlfriend, and absolutely wonderful!), and I couldn't be happier with her. I'm so happy to be here with my family, and I wouldn't have given up our experiences for anything.
Favorite Band(s): Nightwish, Evanescence
Favorite Genre(s) of Music: Rock ("Or anything else :3" wink
Favorite Movie(s): Alexander (Director's Cut)
Favorite Color: Royal Purple, Icy Ocean Blue
Favorite Song(s): Amaranth (Nightwish) ; Come Little Children ; While Your Lips Are Still Red (Nightwish) ; Imaginary (Evanescence) ; Haunted (Evanescence)
Favorite Food(s): Ham, Pork in General
Hobbie(s): "Fighting, training, watching Poppet dance, hearing her sing, and spending time with my family."
Quotes: "HAM~!!!"
"Einarr ate it all!! crying "
"Peep! ninja "

Relationship Status: Taken
Girlfriend: Neandr Ysbail

"I was summoned by Angel and sent to protect Amanda and help her get stronger at magick. I've tried my best, and she's taught me a lot. I like to think I've taught her a lot too.
I'm... unbelievably happy to have this family. Getting to train with Engel, getting to help protect everyone... it's an indescribable feeling. I'm just... happy. It's the only way I can describe it."