I'm rather content.
I have the Polka Dot Jacket I wanted to get from American Apparel.
I went to the mall with Makuro last week, and I saw the jacket and fell in love.
I told Suzu about it.
Already had a feeling it had something to do with polka dots or stripes.
Oh, the Cashier was cute. He seemed pretty shy, or just gay. Give or take.
He had curly brown hair and the cutest eyes ever.
Haha. I like his voice. It was...I don't know awesome?
Oh, and I got shoes from Bodyline YOKOSO.
I don't like YOKOSO too much~ the shoes, the heel is too tall. Well, most are like that. But I found...slight flats.
The heel is probably only like, 2 cm or something. Nothing too extreme. Unlike the others, 8cm-13cm heel.
hm...no. my T.U.K.s are shoes. I bought sandals from YOKOSO.
I now have my school shoes, Haruhi Suzumiya/School Girl shoes I cosplay with, Punk/V-kei cosplay shoes aka T.U.K.s and now Lolita shoes.
I miss my converse.
Oh, and Milkboy has polka dotted high tops. -nudge nudge-
my birthday is coming up XD