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The Art and Culture of the Middle Ages

Middle Ages -the period between the decline of the Roman Empire and the beginning of Renaissance (around 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D.)
*The middle Ages marked the rise of flourishing culture as seen in the development of architecture, literature and the arts.
*The Middle Ages was a dangerous period in history.

Feudalism -the system that developed during the Middle Ages.

• Religious people like monks and nuns lived in monasteries.
• Education was provided only by the church in the Middle Ages.
• The arts in the Middle Ages were associated with religion.
• The most elaborate form of art in the Middle Ages is evident in the cathedral of Notre Dame in Bayeux, France.
• The arts during the Middle Ages show the strong cooperation of the people to achieve something beautiful and good.

2 example of art in the Middle Ages
*architecture *sculpture