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Nigthmare Before Christmas's Story
Nothing big
Today nothing interesting happened. my girlfriend went to a hotel and I can't get her on the phone. Anyway, I started to write a book. here is a little pick to the first chapter:

Chapter one: The airplane

The whole class was on the airplane. Mrs. Jones, The teacher of the Ninth grade, shouted on the microphone:
“Students! I want your attention please! I know that our trip to Pompeii might be very fun, but remember that the trip is only for education!” Rick and Sky were sitting in the front row.
“Man, this woman shouts like a horse! She needs to be sent to a wacky shack!” Rick said and laughed a little bit. Sky didn't respond, he then laid the back of his seat down and closed his eyes. Rick said angrily:
“You know, the whole class is tired of the deaf scene. If you try to get a girl or something, it's not working for you.” Sky looked at Rick with half open eyes, flicked his forehead and wrote something on a paper. Then he made a paper plane of it and flew it to Rick. Rick opened it and read it:
“Shut up already! I'm trying to fall a sleep!” Rick nodded and got up to put it in the trash. On the way Zoey stopped him by grabbing his hand.
“What do you want, green-haired freak?” Rick asked her angrily, trying to free his hand from here tight hold, without any success.
“I just want to ask you for a favor. By the way, my name is Zoey you moron!” Rick looked at his hand, which apparently was already red.
“If you let go of my hand, I will do you a favor.”
“Ok than.” Zoey said happily and freed Rick’s hand.
“Don’t ever do that again! Well bye bye to you then!” Rick said and turned his back to Zoey.
“Wait! What about the favor?” Zoey asked him, half angry half disappointed.
“Oh, you really thought that I will do you a favor?” Rick asked her.
“Yeah! You promised!” Zoey shouted. Rick looked at her and laughed.
“Wow, you are a freak! Try not to believe anyone you see!”
“You know what? If you won’t do me that favor, I will grab your hand as strong as I can!” Zoey shouted at him, and then smiled with an evil look.
“Ok, I’ll do it. What do you want? A cup of orange juice?” Rick said and laughed.
“You know, you aren’t in a position to be sarcastic. Remember: I have a hand of a gunner! And now to the favor: I want you to go to matt and tell him that I love him.” Zoey said.
“Look, I’m really happy for you that you have love life and that you are a little bit out side of your freak box but I really-really-really don’t want to talk with your Idiotic red haired boyfriend.” Rick answered to her.

bye guys!