(Age): 20
(Gender): Female, From What I remember
(Race): Vampire
(Sexual Preference): Guys, So I must be straight
(Weapon(s)): Sword
(Bio): Cassandra was born to a drunken drug addict mother and a drug dealing Vampire Pure-blooded father. Her Biological mother gave her to her grandparents to which she calls ' mom' and 'dad'. She has two brother and one baby sister, she the oldest out of all three. She is part French, Dutch, German, Irish, And Japanese. She felt always out of place. Til she accepted a job in hunting. Or killing in this case.
(Power(s)): Can make people laugh And Telekinesis
(Faction(s)/): The Empire
(Alignment): Double Agent, I love messy work.
(Personality): Demented, Seductive, Smart-A$$, Kind, Sarastic.

(Class): Double Agent/Spy
(Other): If you get he rpiss, One word: RUN
(Username): Vixen Aishlynn