i hurt the person i most cared about, and my heart cries because he doesn't deserve it....i love him with all my heart, i never want to hurt him.he is my 1 n only, my world. when i'm with him everything else doesn't really matter, he's the only one there. he makes me smile, if i could i'd give 100 of my smiles 4 1 of his. i don't think i could 4give myself 4 hurting him. i damn myself 4 having that stupid dream, y am i so damn stupid, y do i push instead of pull.....? y do i fear him leaving when he says he won't? i've always been afraid i'd lose, and be lonely, that i'd open my heart up one more time, i'll be hurt n thrown away, broken n lost looking 4 my broken pieces.When i met Vince, i didn't expect much just that we'd end up going our seperate ways soon, but after time passed n i started 2 realize who he truly was like, i began to thaw out of the ice that covered my heart. After spending more time with him, i began to realize i trusted him, i was changing, he changed me. When i fell in love with him, at first i didn't even realize it, but others saw how happy i was becoming. When i had 2 leave 4 mexico, i missed him right away, i thought about him constantly, wishing i at least had s computer so i could talk 2 him. When i was coming home the 1st thing i was going 2 do was get on the computer n tell him how much i missed him n loved him...i'll always love him, even if something happens n we go our seperate ways, drift apart, i won't be with anybody else, with him i want to spend the rest of my life with, with him i'm happy, because i kno he loves me. I don't blame him if he doesn't 4give me, i wouldn't either.
Blue_Blood_Masquerade · Fri Jun 26, 2009 @ 02:40am · 1 Comments |