ok this was my repetitive dream last night
me and my friends were at school we were beginning our sophmore year and i noticed someone strange walking across campus
so naturally im the dummy that goes up to him
i'm shocked to see that its one of marilyn mansons followers who is a really hot vampire and so i'm all nosy about where mm is
well i get chased into this trailer full of wood (the kind that hooks on the back of a vehichle) and hide down in a hole in the wood
doesnt help
so mm finds me and bites me turning me into a vampire *yay*
um then we are taken to this creepy run down house and johney depp is there
he looks like a cross between himself and sweeney todd though
anyways the three of them are like luring litte kids and adults into the house and chop them up and s**t it was ******** up i mean nasty man
well this group of teenagerish aged people come in and i'm all like nooo dont kill this one *glomps ayame cosplayer* so they dont
and we changed the aya cosplayer and we all never got caught but i did move out with aya and mm leaving johnny to sulk
kikouri_imaru Community Member |