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Better be careful around me
Yu-Gi-Oh! D-Force 10 two more left *tear*

Yu-Gi-Oh! D-Force
Chapter X: Wrath of Rainbows

Brian held his duel disk out. Him and Tomasa were about to duel in front of the Mayor’s office, aka town hall. Davaku cleared the body of cops who had fallen to Brian in previous duels out of the way. Tomasa’s eyes were full of determination. This would be her first military duel, where the life points she lost would actually cause her pain. Brian however was used to the concept, but the cop duels he had just gone through weakened him a bit.
“Don’t you dare lose” Davaku spoke to his female colleague. Tomasa grinned nodding her head, then Davaku continued to speak “if you lose, it meant the duels where you beat me were just a sham!”

:Tomasa frowned slightly:4000LP: And here I was thinking you cared about my safety.

As the large breasted duelist argued with the immensely tall man, Brian had made his move. He drew a card and began by placing one card face down and summoned his Zure Knight of Dark world. 1800/1500. It was Tomasa’s turn and she began by playing the spell card Skyscraper. Several buildings appeared around Tomasa and Brian, then Tomasa called her Elemental hero Sparkman to the field. 1600/1400

:Tomasa:4000LP: I attack with Sparky which gets a 1000 point power boost from Skyscraper!
:Brian:4000LP: I’ll stop your attack with a little scrap iron scarecrow.

Sparkman shot a static shockwave out of it’s hands toward Brian, but all the electricity was conducted into a metal scarecrow figure which could negate one attack per turn then it would go face down.

:Brian:4000LP: A shame that was all you had, now I place one monster in face down defense position and attack your Sparkman with Zure!

Brian’s Zure’s knight’s sword slashed Tomasa’s Sparkman into three pieces, and she lost 200 life points. Each point was as painful as she had thought it would be, but she still had plenty more to go.

:Tomasa:3800LP: If I can’t get by that Scarecrow… I’ll just need more monsters, first I summon Elemental hero bursty in attack mode 1200/800 then I’ll play O-Oversoul to revive Elemental hero Sparkman in attack mode 1600/1400

Tomasa’s two Elemental heroes came to the field. The small female Burstinatrix was then joined by the revived Sparkman, both had not enough attack points to destroy Brian’s monster.

:Tomasa:3800LP: First my Bursty will strike with hand blaze!

Burstinatrix flew up into the air and it’s attack strength grew to 2200 as it destroyed Brian’s Zure knight of dark world. Brian smirked “I don’t even need my scrap Iron scarecrow for this turn.” Tomasa’s Elemental hero Sparkman then shot another wave of static to Brian’s face down monster, which had a much stronger defense of 2100.

:Brian:3600LP: Shocked to discover you hit my powerful defense. He protects the gateway between you and my life points, his name is Renge Gatekeeper of dark world! 100/2100

Tomasa took another quick glance at Brian’s powerful defense monster, sighing because the two strongest monsters in her hand, Cyber Dragon and Elemental Hero captain gold had the same attack strength and could only make stalemates. “Nothing more I can do, your turn crookie” she insulted Brian. Davaku balled up his fist. He couldn’t stand to see Tomasa do so poorly in a duel.
“Stop playing and start winning, there is more on the line here than you know” He shouted.
“Don’t worry, I just need my life points to drop a bit more, then it’ll be over” she grinned already having a plan, but Brian had a greater plan, he then showed Tomasa the Rainbow dark dragon card in his hand.

:Brian:3600LP: I’m sorry dear, but there is no way you shall overcome such a threat as this.

Both Davaku and Tomasa gasped seeing Rainbow dragon on a card “this has to be a trick, what ties does the mafia have to Dragos island!”
Brian smirked looking to Davaku “none at all, this is my monster, it is my weapon to rule this planet and there is no force that can destroy it!”

:Tomasa:3300LP: It doesn’t need to be destroyed, just cured!

Davaku frowned shaking his head at Tomasa. In the battle duel on the island Tomasa’s cyber dragon only beat Rainbow dragon because Davaku used his Limiter Removal card to enhance it’s strength, now Tomasa had no such card.

:Brian:3600LP: There is no cure to such power love, only power can defeat power! I place one monster in defense position and end my turn.
:Tomasa drew:3300LP: I summon Elemental Hero Knospe and play the spell card Rosebud, this turns Elemental hero Knospe into Elemental Hero Poison Rose, the mother of my deck! 1900/2000

Tomasa’s little sprout began to bloom into a beautiful goddess, covered in a skirt of leaves, her white hair blowing in the wind, Tomasa then played her spell card Enemy controller. A video game controller came to Tomasa’s hands and she played with it, pressing up down, left right then A, B and C which put Renge the gatekeeper of darkworld right into attack position. It’s 100 mere attack points were no match for Tomasa’s Sparkman who zapped it away. Brian lost 1500 life points, which was a great deal of pain.

:Brian:2100LP: Are you done?
:Tomasa shook her head:3300LP: Now I attack your defense card with my Poison rose! Earth’s fury!

Poison Rose blasted away Brian’s Scar, scout of Dark world, which allowed Brian to add one Dark World monster from his deck to his hand and he chose Brron, mad king of dark world. Finally Tomasa had her Burstinatrix attack, but that battle was stopped when Brian played his scrap iron scarecrow. It was Brian’s turn. “Bout time you made a comeback” Davaku commented. He then left the duel for a moment to go into town hall so he could find the mayor. Brian gasped in pain from the damage he just received, it was very grueling.

:Brian:2100LP: Your little plant, is no match for me!
:Tomasa:3300LP: Show me then if it isn’t.
:Brian:2100LP: I summon Mad King Brron in attack mode 1800/400, then I’ll give him the Vicious Claw spell card which will increase his attack points by 300, he shall obliterate your Burstinatrix!
:Tomasa:3300LP: Sorry, but when any of my Elemental Hero monsters are targeted for the attack Poison rose protects them!
:Brian smirked:2100LP: To what avail?

Mad king Brron went to strike Burstinatrix, but his vision was covered with vines his vicious claw instead destroyed Poison Rose, Tomasa lost a bit of life points.

:Brian:2100LP: Whenever my mad king does damage it discards one card from my hand, and the card I discarded was Gren Tactician of Dark world and when he is discarded it destroys one spell card, say cheerio to your skyscraper!

The large city created by Skyscraper came tumbling down around the two duelists. Tomasa frowned sadly because those buildings were the only thing that made her Elemental hero stronger than Brian’s monsters. It was now her turn. She threw Elemental hero captain gold face down, because he couldn’t be face up without Skyscraper, then she placed her other two Elemental hero’s in defense position. She couldn’t play Cyber dragon because with scrap iron scarecrow her attack would have been useless.

:Brian:2100LP: Oh good, I have you running scared now!

This comment caused Tomasa to growl lightly. Inside the town hall Davaku had found the mayor “what’s going on, who is attacking us!” he demanded of Davaku, because he gave the law in Davaku’s hands.
“The commander of the dark world mob. A member of the D-force is dueling him, I’ll get you out of here!” Davaku answered motioning for Jameson to come with him.
Jameson raised his eye brow “which member?”
Davaku sighed “Tomasa.”
With a grin the mayor felt safe “oh good, I like her, no need to go, she’ll win” he had seen Tomasa’s duels on the internet. Davaku frowned “it’s still dangerous, this is the leader of the mafia we’re talking about here, now let’s go!”
Disdainfully the mayor followed Davaku to an underground chamber that was closed off by large metal doors. There Davaku left the mayor with satellite feed of the duel. The duelist however went topside to view the battle. “I leave for five minutes, to return seeing you running into defense?!” Davaku shouted at Tomasa.

:Tomasa frowned:3100LP: Can it, would ya!
:Brian:2100LP: Yes, with a one thousand lead you’re doing quite better than I, but it doesn’t matter. I summon Beiige Vanguard of dark world. 1600/1300

The monstrous Beiige holding it’s halberd joined Brron and the two destroyed Sparkman and Bursty. Tomasa placed a new monster face down, but it didn’t matter.

:Brian:2100LP: I’m one mere attack away from victory!
:Tomasa:3100LP: Really, let’s see it then!
:Brian:2100LP: I summon Double coston 1700/1650

The new double coston was a very odd looking monster. It two orbs of goo that circled one another. First Double coston destroyed Tomasa’s face down Captain gold with an attack that melted the poor monsters armor away. Then Brian’s Beiige sliced apart Tomasa’s Wroughtreiller card which gave her Elemental hero Burstinatrix from her grave to her hand. Tomasa was wide opened for an attack by Brron the madking of darkworld, who ran up to her, covering her body in chains. She hissed as her body was squished in Brron’s bindings, then he ripped her life points away, bringing her down to 1000. Brian discarded a dark monster from his hand, which was Broww huntsman of dark world; it let him draw one card.
Tomasa’s hair became a darker orange, while her green eyes became more yellowish. She drew her next card, now only standing on one knee and foot. She studied the card hissing at Brian “now…” She placed a monster in defense position and ended her turn. Davaku knew she was going to call out Yubel somehow, but he wasn’t sure how she would do it.
The way Tomasa seemed to not give up reminded Brian of his wife Emily. He sighed drawing, he knew he was supposed to destroy this duelist. His hatred wasn’t for her though, it was for the police force.

:Brian frowned:2100LP: You only have one defense position monster in the way of my victory, how sad for you. I sacrifice my three monsters for my King of Destruction- Xexex. 3000/2500

Brian’s three monsters were replaced by his new monster with 3000 attack points. The king of destruction Xexex was a knight dressed in hellish grey devil armor. He held a massive sword, and was the least of Tomasa’s problems. Tomasa had a grin of anguish upon her face. Brian had a frown of pity for his female opponent as he then removed his six fallen dark world monsters and double coston to summon Rainbow dark dragon. 4000/0
“You…” Tomasa only spoke in one word sentences as the Rainbow dark dragon came out once again. An hour ago this was the dark dragon’s original birthplace and now it has returned. The monster opened it’s massive jaws roaring at Tomasa. As hateful as she was at the moment she felt Rainbow dragon’s hatred.

:Brian:2100LP: It’s a shame that you have fallen so easily, but not just at this aspect
:Tomasa hissed:1000LP: What?

Brian grinned pointing to where the D-force head quarters are “as we speak your own base is being invaded by an associate of mine, time has run out for you and your fellow D-force members.” This brought Davaku alarm.
Back at D-force HQ Mic innocently walked up to John “ello mate, how bout you and I have a practice match to spar for any enemies that come in.” John found the idea very appealing. Mic grinned at the naïve duelist as he led him to the duel arena which had been locked.
“What have you done?” John tried to open the door, then Mic activated his duel disk, along with the military chip.
“I believe we oughta to have a new fashioned military duel, neither duelist can leave until someone’s life points drop to zero!” Mic explained.
“That’s mad an uncalled for!” John shouted, but he accepted the challenge without knowing much of Mic’s background. Andy was still suffering a hangover. He was in the lounge room watching duels in other cultures, he was particular impressed by some motorcycle duelists from Indonesia.
Back to the duel at town hall. Brian had the upper hand with more life points and a more powerful monster.

:Brian:2100LP: You’re done my lass, now I attack with my king of destruction!

The king of destruction lifted it’s massive sword and butchered Tomasa’s face down Mystic Tomato which splashed Tomato goo everywhere. The tomato goo, became as red as blood and out from it two wings spread and then a face with two colored eyes, it was Tomasa’s Yubel.
“Yubel!” Davaku shouted as her recognized the monster, before it’s form was fully revealed.

:Tomasa grinned:1000LP: Yubel… When Mystic Tomato is destroyed he special summons any dark monster from my deck, I chose my Yubel…

Tomasa’s hair covered her face, she looked down to her Yubel. The female monster with it’s mishmash of male body parts hissed it’s way onto the field, staring into Brian’s eyes. Tomasa’s body was covered with a black aura that would foam off into the wind. The light from the sun seemed to become blocked out. She and Yubel gazed at Brian with hateful eyes.
The eyes of Brian stayed back, having lost everything he had cared about Yubel’s vengeance power meant nothing to him. He saw right through her and Tomasa’s hatred. “An attack upon that beast would destroy me, so I do not attack, instead I play the spell card mirage of nightmare and end my turn.” (Mirage of nightmare has been played several times before, it allows the player to draw during their opponent’s standby phases until they have four cards in their hand and then discard cards equal to the number of cards they drew.
“He didn’t fall into Yubel’s darkness” Davaku exclaimed.

:Brian looked to Davaku:2100LP: I am living hatred…
:Tomasa drew:1000LP: I play E-emergency call, which adds Elemental Hero Stratos to my hand, I summon him who gives me Elemental Hero Avian…

Tomasa ended her turn. Brian had drawn two cards when her turn began. Stratos was clawed to death by Yubel in order to keep her in play. Davaku had been trying to contact head quarters, but there was no response. He told Tomasa he would have to leave “will you be alright?”
“Go!” she demanded turning her fearsome eyes toward him, her attitude was uncontrollably demanding and cruel. She had to concentrate on the duel as her mangled body continued to press on. Davaku took the chopper and left the two to duel.

:Brian:2100LP: I discard two cards from my hand and then end my turn.

Tomasa drew, summoning Cyber Valley, sacrificing it for Yubel to remain. Brian drew and discarded one card from his hand. Again Tomasa drew, sacrificing another monster for Yubel, it was Blade Skater. Turn after turn Tomasa’s hatred destroyed her own monsters. Yubel and Tomasa would not be separated. Brian new she would have to run out eventually.

:Brian found a way to get beyond Tomasa’s Yubel:2100LP: I place one card face down and end my turn.

Tomasa drew and played Polymerization fusing her Burstinatrix and Avian together to create Elemental Hero Flamewingman. 2100/1200 Brian played his trap card Skill Drain which costed him 1000 life points to use, but it prevented all monsters on the field’s effects from being used and it was a permanent trap card. Tomasa’s Yubel and Cyber Twin dragon both had no effects. As well as Brian’s two monsters. Tomasa growled switching Yubel to defense position and ended her turn.

:Tomasa growled:1000LP: A clever maneuver, but it is useless, I play R-righteous justice which will destroy your skill drain card!
Flamewingman blasted skill drain away, then he was engulfed in Yubel’s darkness. Brian was upset by this as he drew. He had no way to destroy Yubel through the monsters he had on the field and he knew an attack would destroy him because he had a bad feeling toward the Yubel card.

:Brian:1100LP: Your Yubel has ultimately stopped this duel… If I play Dark World Lightning, she will turn into something more… You are unbeatable with that card…
:Tomasa nodded:1000LP: What more can you do, Yubel will always protect me, but will your Rainbow dragon always protect you? I say we find out… I play the spell card Miracle fusion it fuses my Sparkman and flamewingman in my graveyard to create Elemental Hero Shining Flarewingman! 2500/2100

Shining Flarewingman’s attack increased for all the elemental hero in Tomasa’s graveyard. Avian, Burstinatrix, Knospe, Poison Rose, Stratos and Captain Gold it gained 300 for every one of them. 2500+1800 = 4200

:Brian smirked knowing his trap would still protect him:4200LP: Well now what can you do, my Scrap Iron scarecrow has me safe from any strike you can make!

Tomasa nodded placing one card face down summoning Elemental Hero lady heat from her hand “I know an attack will be useless, but I’m doing it anyways! I strike with Flarewingman, destroy Rainbow dragon!” Tomasa’s yellow hatred in her eyes forced her into pointless attacks which only brought about the Scrap iron scarecrow to protect Brian.

:Brian grinned:1100LP: Wasting my time are we?

Tomasa ended her turn, but first her Lady heat splashed Brian with bits of fire doing 400 points of damage to him. Tomasa claimed that she was in the lead now, then Yubel annihilated Elemental Hero Shining Flarewingman.

:Brian:700LP: Your lead ends, for you left your monster in attack mode! If you have a trap card to destroy my life points I’m now reinforcing them with the spell card Mystic Wok! By sacrificing my King of Destruction my life points increase by his attack points.

Brian’s life points became 3700, now if Tomasa’s spell or trap card would hurt him, he would have enough to fall back on. “Now Rainbow dragon! Destroy Lady heat!”
The growling Rainbow Dragon came down to lady heat, creating a rainbow around her, then it’s massive jaws opened sending a wave of destruction. The frightened lady heat whimpered, until Yubel overcame her. The attack was intercepted by Yubel. Brian growled “what!? Impossible!”

:Tomasa:1000LP: Yubel’s may dislike all of my other monsters, but she shall not stand by and let me become injured, especially when I play the trap card Staunch Defender, it forces your monsters to attack Yubel instead!
:Brian growled:3700LP: No, impossible! My Rainbow dragon!
:Tomasa grinned evilly:1000LP: Will be fine, but your life points shall suffer, this is what you get for forcing that beast to do your bidding!

Rainbow dragon and Yubel both stood together watching Brian. They slowly roasted him in their hatred until all of his life points fell to zero. Brian fell to his knees “Rainbow dragon… why…”
Tomasa walked over to Brian taking the Rainbow dark dragon card “because you unrightfully used it for battle, when it doesn’t want to, unlike Yubel, who lives for war…” She looked to the Yubel hologram which smiled back at her, then disappeared.
“The Rainbow dragon card… is not mine, it’s… it’s… Mi……..” he became unconscious. The girl from his hide out Samo ran over to him.
“Brian!!!” She screamed holding him close to her “what have you done?”
Tomasa helped Samo up “leave him… He’s gone now” Tomasa eyes were filled with a deep sadness as she watched Samo scream to her love, wanting him to get back up. Wearily Tomasa walked away, over viewing the destroyed Town hall, she felt a powerful clench of pain in her chest, grabbing her breast. The military duel drained her, just like it did a few days ago against Rainbow dragon. Tomasa looked at the Rainbow dark dragon and held it to her chest.
“Give me the strength to move” she uttered, her body weakly heading for the D-force command center, which was about ten miles away.
Mic had trapped John in the dueling arena. John knew Mic was acting particularly odd. Mic began the duel.

:Mic:4000LP: I’ll begin this little game of ours by summoning Crystal Beast Amethyst cat in attack mode and placing one card face down.

With a smirk Mic already knew what kind of deck John would be using so he played a spell card, called Ruthless denial, which would send Amethyst cat to the graveyard in order to discard one card from John’s hand. He discarded a piece of Exodia.

:Mic:4000LP: Oh dear, now it looks like you won’t be playing Exodia, I must end my turn now.
:John:4000LP: Maybe no Exodia today, but you should know I have more than just Exodia, I summon Queen’s knight in attack mode and she will attack you directly! 1500/1600

John’s armored female monster brought Mic a bit of unwanted displeasure. John then placed one card face down and ended his turn. Mic was in a great deal of pain after losing 1500 life points, but he still had a plan.

:Mic drew:2500LP: Do you think your ancient cards will destroy me?
:John nodded:4000LP: I play my Thunder of the ruler trap card, called so because the ruler takes away your battle phase!
:Mic groaned:2500LP: Curses you, instead I’ll place a monster in defense mode your turn.
:John nodded:4000LP: I now let my Queen’s knight have her comrade the King knight, who in turn summons the Jack’s knight from my deck!

King’s knight had an orangish armor, while his face looked similar to John’s. 1600/1400 Jack’s knight looked much stronger than the king’s knight not to mention younger as his blond hair flowed about, wielding his mighty heart’s sword. 1900/1000

:Mic:2500LP: Big deal, do your poker monsters intend on winning this for you?
:John nodded:4000LP: Now I shall show you the combo that will destroy you, by activating Royal Straight it allows me to sacrifice Queen’s Knight, King’s Knight and Jack’s knight to special summon the Royal Slasher! 2400/1350

John grinned as one of his most powerful monsters was summoned. His monster had a great deal of strength not with his attack, but with his effect. “Now I shall use his special ability to send level one through five monsters from my deck, first Dark Mimic lvl 1, then Penguin solder, next Dark mimic lvl 3, Soul Tiger and at last Marie the Fallen one. Doing so destroys every single card on your field!” Royal Straight Slasher destroyed all of Mic’s cards, leaving him with nothing. Then he struck Mic directly leaving the poor duelist with only 100 life points left. Mic growled angrily per John had just used a powerful move “hehehe, when you used your little effect, it turns my turtle… Into a jewel” Mic’s face down Emerald Turtle became a green jewel on his side of the field.

:Mic drew in deep pain:100LP: You got rather lucky with that move you know
:John:4000LP: You should not have made this a military duel, now only you will suffer.
:Mic shook his head:100LP: I think not, now I play Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger in attack mode 1600/1000 Then I’ll equip him with Crystal Release, which increases his attack by 800. He will now attack your powerful slasher!
:John:4000LP: You made yourself a costly mistake because my Slasher’s power is far greater!
:Mic:100LP: We’ll just see about that

Topaz Tiger growled jumping at the slasher with only 2200 attack. Slasher waved it’s sword at the tiger, but it jumped out of the way, then the tiger’s attack increased by 400 making it stronger than Slasher, it beat Slasher down, damaging John’s life points by 200.
Travis who had been cleaning the dining room had heard a bit of ruckus in the duel arena room. He went to one of the monitors in the generator room, he attempted to get feed, but it wasn’t working. He then went to Andi who had his head “master Road’s, a bit of commotion is happening in the arena” He spoke softly.
“Ohh… Travis…” Andi’s head was in severe pain “what is it? Wait, come to think of it, Tomasa and John were going to be dueling today.”
“They had their duel already, I witnessed it, didn’t you?”
Andi shook his head standing up “have you talked to Shinoda yet?”
“Not yet” The two of them found Shinoda over viewing the duel between Tomasa and Davaku.
“She’s simply amazing…” He spoke in a daze as he stared at the massive breasts bounce every time she drew a card.
Andi looked down and turned Shinoda’s computer off “sorry to interrupt, but the arena’s doors are sealed, do you think you could get us a link to see what’s going on.”
A sighing Shinoda whined “why should I, when you ruin such beauty…”
“The doors are locked, one of our team mates could be in trouble, it could even be our beloved Tomasa” Andi frowned, hearing this Shinoda jumped to action. He easily got the feed, but it was in black in white. They saw John dueling Mic, and it was now John’s move.

:John:3800LP: Seeing how it’s my standby phase Marie the Fallen one increases my life points by 200 points. I now place a monster in defense mode and end my move.
:Mic grinned in pain:100LP: Is that all you got! I place one card face down and attack.

Mic’s Topaz Tiger slashed right through John’s Battle Footballer, which had a mighty defense. John drewing gaining another 200 life points. He increased his life points by 200 again as he drew a powerful Ring of Destruction card. He set the card knowing it would have finished Mic off.

:Mic:100LP: I attack with Topaz Tiger!
:John:4200LP: I activate my Ring of Destruction card, what it does is destroy your monster, we each then take damage equal to it’s total attack points.
:Mic:100LP: I knew you’d try such a pitiful move, that’s why I set my Rainbow life trap card some turns ago, with it any damage I take replenishes my life points instead.

The Ring of destructions blast devastated John’s life points, but for Mic it only made him stronger. Topaz Tiger became a jewel on Mic’s side of the field, while his Crystal Release card turned Cobalt Eagle from his deck into another jewel. Mic now had three jewels and plenty of life points.
“Why are they having a military duel?” Travis asked.
“Good question” Shinoda pandered.
An answer is what Andi had “it’s obvious one of them is a traitor and by that odd look in Mic’s eyes, I’d say it’s him.”
Mic’s rainbow eyes glowed as he had nothing guarding him except an abundance of life points. John drew, his 2000 life points being raised by his Marie the fallen one.

:John:2200LP: I call out Card Trooper in attack mode, I increase his strength by discarding three cards from the top of my deck!

The machine like card Trooper’s attack went from 400 to 1900, which all got blasted at Mic. The Australian/dragon person growled on the ground. He was in deep pain once again from losing so many life points. Mic’s turn was next and the card he drew was his finalizing transaction to summon the Rainbow dragon. “I’m going to end this duel now… I summon Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus, which will draw Ruby carbuncle from my deck and turn her into a jewel.” His voice was raspier than ever because of his great pain as his flying horse brought Ruby into his jewel collection. Now with all seven Crystal Beasts on his field and graveyard (Amber Mammoth was discarded by Ruthless Denial) he called out his ultimate beast.

:Mic grinned proudly:200LP: Come forth my ultimate gem god Rainbow Dragon!!! 4000/0

He slammed the card down onto his duel disk, his hat flying off from the power it generated, his hair blowing in the wind as the massive dragon came out. Rainbow dragon’s power was as great as a player’s life points. It swerved around, even destroying some of the duel arena above their heads. John backed away in fear of the massive beast.
“That’s impossible, we killed that beast!” Andi shouted grabbing the screen.
“Apparently not, and apparently, we may never” Shinoda gazed at the devastating form of Rainbow dragon. Andi ran out of the room, heading to the arena.

:Mic:200LP: You should have stuck with using Exodia against me, perhaps he might have won this, attack with Rainbow of destruction!!!

Rainbow dragon opened it’s massive jaw, delivering a beautiful rainbow from it’s teeth toward John, followed by an extremely powerful blast, which tore John’s duel disk right off his hand, sending his deck fluttering through the air like rain. John was motionless. Mic fell to one knee, he was very weak from that duel, but he came out the victor.
The large gates opened to the arena and their stood Andi with his duel disk “I don’t know why you’ve done what you done, but you must be stopped!” Andi shouted.
Mic groaned in pain as his Rainbow dragon’s essence returned to his card “Then face the dragon’s wrath!” He reactivated his duel disk, hardly able to stand. The duel between Andi and Mic was soon to begin. Davaku and Tomasa were making their way back to the head quarters.

To Be Continued…

D-Force World notes

Duel style
The way I write dueling style if you haven’t noticed is any players in the duel will be in brackets, so you can follow the duel, while listening to other characters comment the game. I should have put this in the first world notes, but it never hit me until now. Oh well, too late eh?

[Bonus scene]

Tomasa stumbled upon the empty streets after the town hall. A man on a motor cycle drove by the large chested duelist grinning “hey babe, how much for a lap dance?” Hearing this made Tomasa growl, she punched the man off of his motorcycle and jumped on it. She got a distance, but crashed.
“So much for that idea…” She groaned walking in her weak stride once again.

New cards played

Brian’s deck
Monster: Renge Gatekeeper of Dark World, Broww huntsman of dark world, King of Destruction Xexex
Spell: Mystic Wok
Trap: Skill Drain

Tomasa’s deck
Monster: Mystic Tomato
Spell: R-Ritious Justice
Trap: Staunch Defender

Mic’s Deck
Spell: Ruthless Denial, Crystal Release

John’s deck
Monster: King’s Knight, Jack’s Knight, Royal Straight Slasher, Penguin Soldier, Marie the fallen one, Battle Footballer
Spell: Royal Straight
Trap: Thunder of Ruler

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