did i ever offer the ending
to the Friday thing? This entry is obviously mostly for me. But I figure, since Exotic bore the brunt of my stupidity with that incident (sorry, love) then it might be nice for her to know what happened. If she wants. Um, so I was pretty happy with everything for a while, but then she started hearing from her parents that she couldn't possibly be a lesbian and all this, so she and I broke up because I got sick of her saying such things as "I think I want to date boys because I want to be straight so that my reputation doesn't suffer anymore, so we're going to have to break up", especially since this was via AIM. Dude. Wtf. You don't do that kind of thing over AIM. And she never actually broke up with me either, even though she kept saying she was going to, so I just did it myself. So she wrote me all these love letters for about a week and then got over me, discovered that she indeed was straight, and ended up going out with a guy. I on the other hand have come to terms with the fact that I am indeed a queer as I have been called upon numerous occasions. Now, whenever anyone says it, I just go "so?" xD because now that I realize that it's true, there's no reason to deny it. I had another girlfriend after her. The nice thing is we were friends before and after so it's not like aggh stressful. We broke up because she was way more into me than I was into her, and I felt bad. So with dance. I was thinking maybe I should make note of that too. I don't dance anymore. It tears me apart a little, because dude, I was so close to championship level. I was my dance teacher's second best student in the entire school and she was showcasing me everywhere and stuff. But I seriously injured my knee and ankle, and I've yet to seek help for it. It's stupid of me, I know, especially considering that I'm still playing sports (I've added a couple to my list, too, silly me- I now play field hockey in the fall, I shot put in the winter and play lax in the spring, and kayak in the summer). I would've gone back to dance if it hadn't been so long, and if I didn't pretty much have to relearn everything I used to know. >_< My mom's teaching now, so I don't have the time anyway, because she has to come back from the city and drag me over from sports and I'd never get any homework done, etc etc. It really hurts. It hurts worse than quitting horseback riding did, because this is the art I spent eight and a half years of my life perfecting. I literally poured my blood, sweat and tears into this and I sort of feel like it was for nothing now. But I have the memories and the 50+ trophies and medals. Oh, and my gorgeous prizewinner dress. ^_^ I think I'll put up some pics of it. It's not doing anything interesting anyway these days- it's hanging in my parents' closet, lol. So yeah. I know you were interested in seeing it all those long year(s?) ago, so if you still are, a couple pics'll be up here sometime soon. Aaanyway. I'm pretty much back. And I need gold and a new siggy. xd