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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
(( OOooo, I had no idea TLOTS was gonna get the vote. eek whee But I am happy that it did, because I have the whole story already made up.well most of it..but, one thing, you don't need to anwser me right away, but...there are clans in the LOTS and so, before I write the story u need to tell me which one you want.
Shadow clan
Icemist clan
Bad Luck Clan ( aka the Black Cat Clan)
Pumpkin clan


Everyone drudged on to their classes , it wasn't a cherry sight. Doors slammed shut and the kids were locked inside for the whole stinkin day. Nakari sat down at a random desk, she really didn't want to go to the classroom she had been assigned to the other day so, she had decided to go with Billy to her class.
" So, " Nakari said to Billy as the rest of the class sat there waiting for the teacher to show up. " what goes on in this class??" Billy, who was still frantic about losing her beloved note from Javert hardly heard her friend speak.
" Huh? wha?"
" Never mind. Hey, is the teacher always late to this class or what?"
Billy shook her head. " Nope, usually he's here BEFORE the bell."

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Dec 25, 2005 @ 02:22am
Well the one I picked is kinda obvious....but oh well....I would like Shadow plz!!!

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 25, 2005 @ 06:21pm
... ninja ...What about my Knights of Ni clan?...*pouts*

Madame Javert
Community Member
Sakura lady of death
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Dec 25, 2005 @ 11:06pm
MIne is obvious too..hehe it's the Pumpkin Clan!! YAY!!! Hehe..
Hmmm... I didn't consider a knights of Ni clan...that may work..hehe 3nodding

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 26, 2005 @ 12:18am
*dances* YAY!

*clings to teh Ni Man* MINE! whee

Madame Javert
Community Member
Sakura lady of death
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Dec 27, 2005 @ 11:17pm
Here's another thing I need to need a sacred place ....I know that sounds dorky..but you
My sacred place is a big tall willow tree. 3nodding Hehe


Mist Clan: Those who are a part of the Mist clan are suicidalists. All of those of kill themselves for severe reasons end up here....the normally end up staying the LOTS forever because their souls are so clouded they can't redeem themselves.
( billy I know you and Javvie kill yourselves but you and him end up being forced to stay with the Knights of Ni Clan since you and Javert are the only ones who understand their ways.

Shadow Clan: Those of the Shadow Clan are normally loners, that and they also are lost souls who have strayed from their path of existence.
Head of the Shadow Clan: A guy named Kuro. ( you kick his butt in one part Megan!^^)

Pumpkin clan: The Clan of Freaks, outcasts, and weirdos. The souls who have joined this Clan are those mostly prone to strange things, such as strange obsessions, dreams, and deaths for that matter.
Head of the PC: Jack Bones! ^^

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 27, 2005 @ 11:52pm
Sweet!! You know I love kicking a**!!.....anyways I've decided how I die ^_^....though I suppose that really shouldn't be anything to be happy about sweatdrop .....So anyways.....I'm killed by a group of these creatures called Fades(the other thing they're called is to hard to say and spell....but they're pretty much these creatures that look like ppl but they're as white as sheets and they wear all black...they dont have eyes but can see better than a hawk and travel using black horse and going through shadows and when you kill them like cutting their head off or whatever they dont die right away and try to keep fighting) So anyways I'm killed while fighting a group of them cause they were trying to take over the place I was living at that time.....That good?

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Madame Javert
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Dec 28, 2005 @ 12:04am
OoOoOo....That's cool Megan. 3nodding

@Sakura: OoOoOo..Ok, so, me and Javvie would've gone into the Mist Clan, but then the Knights of Ni showed up and we have to join them because nobody else can deal with them? Otay! whee That sounds good! 3nodding

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 29, 2005 @ 11:24pm
eek WOAH...thats a kick-a** death Megan! eek twisted .
You both still need to come up with a Sacred place....heheh Oh, and Megan..your character just got a up-grade in the story...I was thinking and if you wanna know now....
you get mad a Kuro because he wont stop trying to fight us even though we're losing a member of our clan to the DISAPPEARING. ( it'll make mor sense in the story)
*nods* and Javert would've gone to the Mist Clan..but its bad being in there...the Mist people look like fog. They look human and all that, but they are made of the fog or...mist...they have wide eyes, blank stares, and thye have no emotions either.
The Mist Clan's leader Blain, comes up to Jack and Yusuke reaching out to them and his face looks like it has skin..and one of his eyes has a pupil in it as he cries out.." SAVvvVVE UUuuusSSss JACK!! I am FINALLY SEEING THE LIGHT!! SAVE US BEFORE THE LAND OF TORMENTED SOULS IS DEVOURED!!! LET ME GO FROM HERE JACK, SAVE US BEFORE WE'RE ALL DAMNEDDDDddddDDD!!!"

Sakura lady of death
Community Member
Madame Javert
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Dec 30, 2005 @ 12:56am
OoOoOo......Ok. 3nodding, exactly, is a "sacred place"? sweatdrop I think I have an idea but I'm not sure.

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 30, 2005 @ 05:16pm
Yes, Thank you thank you....My way of dying just shows that you cant read too many fantasy books....oooo this story sounds like fun I cant wait for you to start it 3nodding but anyways could the sacred place be like a dark and enchanted spooky forest place? I like forest 3nodding

Hey my uncle has a friend named Blain....I dont know if its spelled the same way though....he's actually like super hot.....but I didn't say that sweatdrop

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Sakura lady of death
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Dec 30, 2005 @ 11:23pm
Ok, a Sacred Place is ...well, it's "your own like place, like your sanctuary."- Jack
My SP is a tall( very large) Willow tree( hehe it has a swing on a branch) in an open feild of tall grass. The sunlight gets sucked up by the tree, since its a light sucking tree..and so its preety dark there. Hehe..
Ok I hopw you get the idea now. Its your own little " happy place."

Ooo yea megan, do you want a love realtionshis with someone in this story???
( F.Y.I. true lovers in the LOTS are known as your "bounded" one.)

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 30, 2005 @ 11:44pm
OoOoOo...That's what I thought it was. sweatdrop Ok...hmm....My sacred place is a grassy hill in the middle of an open field that I mostly only visit at night, to look at the stars.... whee

Madame Javert
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 31, 2005 @ 08:20pm
Ummm I guess...hmmm can I pick him cause theres this guy that I think sounds totally hot from the story where I got the "Death by Fades" idea....

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 31, 2005 @ 08:41pm
eek *le gasp!* MEGAN! You're cheating on Kakashi!.... ninja ....And Hisoka.... rofl xd

Madame Javert
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Dec 31, 2005 @ 10:32pm
LMAO yes I know I'm cheating on my male harem but Rand goes with the whole Fades thing cause he's one of the main characters in that story

commentCommented on: Sun Jan 01, 2006 @ 01:50am that's you excuse, eh? wink

Madame Javert
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jan 01, 2006 @ 02:39am
Yeah you better believe it heart

commentCommented on: Sun Jan 01, 2006 @ 05:17am
Hmm.....Ok... whee

Madame Javert
Community Member
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