General Name Tebree Barriett Age 146 Race Drow Gender Male Profession Swordmage Mercenary Where do they live? Wherever room and board can be bought
Appearance Complexion Ebony Hair Color White Style Straight, shoulderlength, hangs infront of face somewhat Eyes Red Glasses? None Height 5'7" Weight 168 lbs Build Athletic-muscular Distinguishing Features Large burn scar on left arm Health? Normal Disabilities? None Clothing
![User Image]( Prized Possessions N/A
Background and Family Relationships Relationship With Mother Hated Relationship With Father Untrusting Siblings? Malagrar Barriett, Drisiml Barriett Relationship Malagrar: very close, Drisiml: deeprooted mistrust. Lover? None Relationship N/A Pets? None
History Tebree was the eldest of three children in house Barriett and hated because as the firstborn it was expected to be a girl. his birth was seen as an il omen for the house. Due to his hosues long standign afinity with the arcane, he was trained as a mage bu twas facinated by the beauty of the blade. The refusal of the matron mother to allow him to train with a sword drove Tebree to find a mentor on his own and train in secret. After 57 years, he was discovered adn tortured in an attempt to find otu who it was that taught him. Tebree somehow survived with his sanity intact adn kept the information locked away, determined not to reveal the identity of the one who had taught him so much. His subsequent exile now brings him to the lands of the Undergaia, seeking a new start. Throughout all this the only true constant in his life was his younger brother Malagrar, whom he now travels with.
Equipment, Abilities, and Spells: Equipment: Chain/plate armor Greatsword Abilities/Spells
Personality Greatest Fear/Phobia Being Persued by Matron Barriett Pet Peeves? Most at ease when... Practising his swordplay Most uncomfortable when... Dealing with priestesses Most embarrassing moment(s) N/A Darkest Secret His swordplay teacher Greatest Strength Greatest Weakness Good/Bad habits Biggest accomplishment Biggest regret Mental Disturbance? None
General Name Malagrar Barriett Age 139 Race Drow Gender Male Profession Artificer (Clockwork Engineer) Where do they live? Wherever room and board can be bought Profession Artificer (Clockwork Engineer) Where do they live? Wherever room and board can be bought
Appearance Complexion Ebony Hair Color White Style Straight, long, tied to keep out of the way Eyes Red Glasses? Goggles Height 5'5" Weight 152 lbs Build slender Distinguishing Features None Health? Normal Disabilities? None Clothing
![User Image]( Prized Possessions N/A
Background and Family Relationships Relationship With Mother Disliked Relationship With Father Unknown Siblings? Tebree Barriett, Drisiml Barriett Relationship Tebree: very close, Drisiml: Disliked. Lover? None Relationship N/A Pets? None
History Malagrar was not only the second son of house Barriett but also th etwin brother of the only daughter, Drisml. Some say that because of this Lolth cursed him as punishment, some say being spawned along side a future priestess broke his mind. Whatever the reason Malagrar only resonded positively to the words of his older brother and the "toys" he created and infused with magic. When Tebree was exiled, Malagrar stole a few important scrolls and left with his brother. Just as mysterious as his madness is his lethally efficient skill with the scythe.
Equipment, Abilities, and Spells: Equipment: Leather armor (reinforced with metal plates) Custom forged warscythe Tools and Toolbelt
Abilities/Spells Build/Animate Construct Alchemic Mastery Reinforce minion Enchant Item
Personality Greatest Fear/Phobia N/A Pet Peeves? Most at ease when... Tinkering Most uncomfortable when... Not working on something Most embarrassing moment(s) N/A Darkest Secret His swordplay teacher Greatest Strength His knowledge of arcane constructs Greatest Weakness Good/Bad habits Biggest accomplishment Mastery over animate constructs Biggest regret Mental Disturbance? Speaks directly to Tebree and his own creations, no one else.
Reivan The Drow · Mon Aug 03, 2009 @ 01:36am · 0 Comments |