Username: Sakurah
Name: Allura Phoenix
Age: 12,324, looks 23
Weapon(s): a large sword of flame, her claws and fangs
Accessories: a rose slave collar Haste had given her
Powers and Abilities: can conjure fire
Biography: After being turned so long ago, Allura worked on becoming stronger and stronger. Though her training has paid off and made her a general in the vampiric army, it has also benefited her socially, making her feared among her peers and highly desired by those who seek power.
Family: she cant remember who they are anymore...her troops are her family.
Spouse/Relations: She is in love with and the current mate of Haste Battosai. She would like to think they might be married, but he hasnt asked.
Blood Feral: -x-
Rank in Vampires: general
How much are you on Gaia a day?: everyday
Favorite Blood Type: b+
Personality: though a usually unmoving and unemotional woman, Allura can once in a while let her heart get the best of her. in the field of battle however, shes all business. shes a bit of a pyro and only loses her cool demeanor when she sets things alight.
having people to order around
the demons
the cold
being wet, outside of baths
Other: n/a
Name: Allura Phoenix
Age: 12,324, looks 23
Weapon(s): a large sword of flame, her claws and fangs
Accessories: a rose slave collar Haste had given her
Powers and Abilities: can conjure fire
Biography: After being turned so long ago, Allura worked on becoming stronger and stronger. Though her training has paid off and made her a general in the vampiric army, it has also benefited her socially, making her feared among her peers and highly desired by those who seek power.
Family: she cant remember who they are anymore...her troops are her family.
Spouse/Relations: She is in love with and the current mate of Haste Battosai. She would like to think they might be married, but he hasnt asked.
Blood Feral: -x-
Rank in Vampires: general
How much are you on Gaia a day?: everyday
Favorite Blood Type: b+
Personality: though a usually unmoving and unemotional woman, Allura can once in a while let her heart get the best of her. in the field of battle however, shes all business. shes a bit of a pyro and only loses her cool demeanor when she sets things alight.
having people to order around
the demons
the cold
being wet, outside of baths
Other: n/a
Character from---Retold: Chaos war