have we figured out im addicted to quizzes yet?no? well then you're stupid.
People Love That You're Witty and Funny

You're the person who always can spin a great tale or make a witty crack. You are naturally funny, and you have the confidence to tell joke after joke. Only your closest friends see your serious side, and people who don't know you well might be surprised to find out how insightful you are.
You are a determined optimist. If you have lemons, you will make lemonade... even if you don't have any sugar or ice. Of all your friends, you're the first to raise a toast, celebrate an occasion, or just remember someone's birthday. You try hard to keep everyone in good spirits.
What Do People Love About You?
Blogthings: Cheaper Than a Therapist
People Love That You Are Responsible and Dependable

You're the type of person who can make decisions easily, and you don't mind leading or directing people. It's likely that you're friends look to you to figure out what to do when you get together. It may feel like a burden, but take it as a complement.
Your friends also know that they can turn to in times of crisis or deep trouble. You can help out in an effective manor. Your pals may complain every now and then that you're a little too responsible, especially when you want to call it a night early. In the end, though, they appreciate that they can count on you.
What Do People Love About You?
Blogthings: A Fine Line Between Insight and Stupidity
You Think Creatively

Your brain works best when you let your intuition be your guide. You like to imagine, speculate, and fantasize. You have fun playing with ideas.
You are interested in theories. You enjoy studying and developing them. You are drawn toward art, philosophy, and even math. Almost every subject is interesting to you.
How Do You Think?
Blogthings: Take a Quiz. Annoy Your Friends.
You Think Emotionally

Your brain works best when you are able to really get passionate about something. You like to feel connected to whatever project you are working on. You crave meaning.
You work to bring people together, and you're always thinking of a way to compromise. You believe that the only way to get things done is to have everyone in harmony.
How Do You Think?
Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings! You Are 64% Open Minded

You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded. Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints. But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line. You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.
How Open Minded Are You?
Blogthings: We're Not Shrinks, But We Play Them On the Internet
You Have Your Sarcastic Moments

While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge. In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead! And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in. Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious.
How Sarcastic Are You?
Blogthings: Quizzes and Tests and Memes, Oh My!
Men See You As Playful

Men want a challenge and you are the perfect playmate You know how to push men's buttons and attract a wide range of guys You enjoy living and loving - it's one of your most attractive qualities Men are often consumed with desire for you, and you love that!
really now?remind me again why i'm single then. How Do Men See You?
Blogthings: Free Quizzes for Everyone
You Are 16% Good

Well, you're not necessarily evil - but you're pretty darn bad. Morals are something you don't concern yourself with. You're amoral... not immoral. So what motivates you instead of ethics? Greed, lust, laziness, anger. The usual bad stuff. Bottom line, you're not trying to be a good person. In fact, it probably never crosses your mind.
You are also probably: Not too terribly concerned about what anyone thinks of you
Right now you are on track to being: An evil dictator
To be a better person: Start small. Pet a puppy.
How Good Are You?
Blogthings: Our Quizzes Weren't Written By Bored 12 Year Olds
kaieunown13 · Mon Nov 09, 2009 @ 11:03pm · 0 Comments |