Hello, I am number 4 My mask is.. this My number is 0202 I was created to be like a cockatrice I can My eyes are like such that anyone who looks upon them becomes entranced, and cant move, as if stone like (hence the creature I am derived from) My saliva is also poisonous. Just make sure you never look at me directly in my eye, or I cannot help you. I carry I usually carry around with me a small, ornamental dagger, almost looking like a letter opener, with me. However, I rarely need use of it since my abilities take care of much of what I do. I am a male My height is 5'11'' My weight is 165lbs My eye color is No one really knows what my eye color eyes, not even me. But some who look upon them say that they are every color, yet none, and are almost to disturbing to look upon. My hair color is I have very dark hair, black or brown, I cannot say. But it is long and I usually keep it pulled back in a customary pony tail. I have to tell you... I loathe the seven for what they did, and I feel only contempt for the new masquerades I have to work with. About my past, I was one of the original masquerades. When I was first created and heard of the creature I was created after, I took up a personal hobby to research different types of beasts that my fellows could possibly be created after. Then I was sent to work with the police. Silly human beings. However I did and do my duty, and no one is the wiser of what lay behind that amused smile I wear so well. By the way, There is nothing I am aware of that should be brought to your attention. Although, I do have a fondness for the food you humans call chicken.
Aribis · Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 04:07am · 0 Comments |