How about a little drawing to start us off? :

SO! Now that you've seen my awful drawing skills, HERE'S STUFF ABOUT MEH!
I am, just like my sis, a weird child. My sister and I both agree we have different
view points on the world from anyone else. I guess you could say, we had life-changing experiences.
I'm usually a very clam person who you will constantly hear, "I'm TIRED!" from.
I am usually tired due to lack of sleep, but you will notice,
I have random outburst and act like I just ate skittles and pop-tarts for breakfast.
Usually then is when the entertainment begins.
Everybody says I'm a very happy child.
But I always have my moments when the world is against me...
But, then I usually pop back up. =D
People say I act like a cat...
I don't know why though.
Maybe it's because I sleep when I can,
I enjoy it when I'm petted and praised,
and am usually cranky when irritated....but who knows?
I'm the kind of person who has "connections".
I know so many different people who hate each other, it's not even funny!
I hear so much drama and see so many fights...
it ain't a good thing when your friends fight.
But yeah....that's all I have to say.... GO!
Elena or "Nena"
5ft 1
Black, red, blue, gray and white
I love all foods! =D
"The Artist" by Alesana
cooking, the computer, my flute, music(marching band, HELLO!!!) , reading, writing,
drawing (I wish to be a professional someday.), singing, day-dreaming,
sleeping, books, cats, asking questions about the universe in general,
the weather
(I don't care what it is. Rain or shine, the mood is mine! =3),
anime and manga
Liars, talking in front of people, stalkers,
being forced to do something that I don't want to do, people who purposely scare/bug the crap outta me,
stereotyping, judging, racism, people who don't even try at life,
show-offs, and poles. (THEY'RE VERY RUDE!)~