♥ [JGG] Hahahahahaha. No. (O9/22/O8) |
So, I have a problem. I've never been to a Gaia wedding before, and now I have to go to one and I don't know what to wear. Most would say, "Nothing at all." XD But guess who's wedding this is. Just guess. Yeah. And guess who they're marrying. Do you remember the random girl who poofed to us out of thin air? Yuh.
My thoughts on the whole situation?
Okay, first of all, I'm not the only one who thinks this is the most disturbing thing since soy milk. There are other people who share my... distaste? Distraught-ness? Whatever. We think it sucks balls.
We, the people, think this ceremony of holy Gaian matrimony should be a no-go. A nu-uh. A 'go-to-your-room-and-think-about-what-you-did' situation.
We, the people, think this is ******** up.
You heard. ******** ******** up.
The boy has only known her two weeks. And he's already tying the knot. We know that he doesn't know how to tie good knots, so how is he supposed to tie the biggest knot he's ever gonna tie in his Gaian life with only two weeks of practice?
We, the people, think he's screwed.
FIRST OF ALL, there are a lot of bad things circulating our lovely town about the girl. You're not gonna hear them from me, though. I'm not out to start a fight. But it would be fun. SECOND OF ALL, I am almost NEVER wrong about these things. I say 'almost' because so far none of my analyzations have been wrong, but you never know about the future. THIRD OF ALL, he doesn't know who he's leaving behind when he goes through with this. I know of a certain pastry and some fizzy drinks that think that this even more disturbing than that dream I had about Eddie Murphy shooting me, putting me in a car and driving to Chuck E. Cheese. Partially because they are emotionally linked to the guy. Mostly because they hate the girl's guts.
I also know that there almost certainly will be crashers. I REFUSE TO MENTION NAMES.
FOURTH OF ALL... Nothing will ever be the same. The girl's little posse hates him and us people, and when they're together, disaster is bound to strike. A couple of them are real bitches, but one is actually really nice.
So when disaster does strike, what are we gonna do?
We, the people, think that we are the ones that are screwed.
There are a million and one things I want to ask our confused little boy, but it condenses to this.
-Who is more important? Us, the friends that have been with you through rain or shine? Or this girl, who convieniently showed up for no apparent reason? -Do you really love this girl, enough to go through with this despite your friends' pleas for SANITY on your part? -What if you heard more things about her and later found them to be true? Then what? Will it be too late? Will you do what you did before, listening to her 'i cried's and her 'i love you's and believing in her again? -Are you marrying her because you love her? Or are you marrying her because you don't have a choice? Are you afraid to say something, for fear of what might happen?' -WELL, WHOOPITY DOO ARCHIMEDES! WHAT DO YOU DO WITH A PENNY?!
The real truth is, we care about you, and we don't want to see you hurt. If this is what makes you happy, then we'll support you. If this is what you think is right, we'll be there for you, even if it means we don't have a part.
In conclusion:
To the boy:
We love you, okay? Despite everything you put some of us through, we (well, most of us) will be there to support you on your day. We really want what's best for you, even though we may not be happy about it. That's what friends are for. We're right behind you.
To the girl (if she even reads the s**t I write):
Listen. You hurt him, you die. I swear, one false move, and we're all over you like a hobo at Costco. We don't care about what it takes to do this, and we know we can't hurt you physically, but dude, there are other ways. We aren't here for you. We're here for him. You'd better be nice to him. Because Santa Claus is coming to town. And he brought a sledgehammer. Lucky you. If you do turn out to be a nice girl, then we'll play nice too. But, like I said, all it takes is a false move.
lalalalala... Santa Claus is coming to town...
Anyways, back to the original topic. WHAT DO I WEAR? Message me, people. I need help. DONATIONS ARE NICE, TOO. I officially have 246g. So, spare change? ='o.o'=
chai high · Thu Mar 11, 2010 @ 04:14am · 0 Comments |