Singing: 色彩MOMENT
eating: Kimchi Fried Rice
There are a few events I would love to go to. But I can't go into town alone. Do you know how much I hate that? The city, I can't go into the city alone. And the only friends I have that will be at the events, and who I want to see, are older then me. And it pisses me off that the parental guardian is actually doing what they should be. Being responsible and not letting me go all over the place with strangers. It's a different story if I have a friend with me, and we're going to the mall to meet up with them, and it totally sucks when I don't have anyone to go with me so I have to meet up with them alone. Only I think..twice, my parental guardian went with me to the mall to meet two people I was meeting up with.
But fuuuuck a few Sunday's from now there is this thing I want to go to, and my only ride is my friends 10 years older then I. Well, actually, not really. From 3-7 years older, but yeah. You get it. Anyways, fuuuuuuuuuck. They're car pooling to the event, and I don't want them to have to pick me up and meet my parental guardian and s**t - _ -" (Actually, I doubt I'll even be able to go with them) HAHAHA.
******** my life.
I need friends my age. Seriously.
No, but I like my friends c:
made new ones...I suppose you can say.
Frustrated. Yes. A lot.
Incomplete sentences.
At that Sunday Event we'll be meeting up with more people too (_ _" wink
"Different friends"
By at least, a few years HAH.
Now that is outside of school friends. (Of course it's outside of school...kinda weird to have a 20-something year old at a school for underage people huh? XD)
Now, school friends.
They're boring :c aside from maybe Kimi and Andagi XD because at least they'll go somewhere, and they're not downers, and they don't complain.
Kimi is cool :3 Kimi is koo~ Keriririri is awesome too. I talk to her outside of school.
XD You know what friendships will last if you talk to them even outside of school. Though I doubt any of these friendships will last very long. We all have our ways to go. Well they do. Still trying to decide what the ******** to do with my life XD I want to be a teacher. (I don't want to, but it's an easy way out) Good at English & Japanese may decide to become some kind of language teacher :3 ********, at least I'm good at teaching people in class XD and Keririri when she asks for help. Or maybe a hair stylist. Been cutting my hair since Elementary school, and my hair dresser actually likes the way I cut it XD But because it's my own hair and I can't really see my bangs, of course it won't be 100% straight, but it's my own hair so there is a problem when seeing, you know XD But yeah. Since that is only like, what, 2 years in college or something? I don't know. ********.
Now Singing: Box in Beautiful
XDD Actually, I passed by at least 2 other songs while typing this really weird thought bubble.
I'll call this my Thought Bubble because I just write what I think. Oh, that's a journal. I learned that in....elementary. We would do journals, just write what we thought. But it was usually a literary journal. As in we read a story, and we write whatever we thought about it for a minute or two. I always wrote a lot - _ - Because I never shut up.
And you thought I was quiet
Well...I am. Because I'm always thinking about s**t and getting carried away XD
Koala is this guy that sits next to me. His name isn't Koala, but he reminds me of a Koala. Actually, I think of a Panda when I see him. So I'll just call him Panda :] wait but Panda is...NO THAT IS OKINAWAN PENGUIN.
Okinawan Penguin, and then there is a Panda. Panda I sit next to, Okinawan Penguin is a year older than me;; and his brother sneaked onto the school bus on Thursday XD used my lanyard too. I almost jumped when he threw it back at me when he got off at his stop (I forgot he used it - _ -)
ANYWAYS Panda has my Black Pen :c he borrowed it during Math, and....he still has it. T___T I write letters with that thing god damn it XD The previous time he borrowed it, this guy sitting behind him er...Yamada(I can't remember his first name - _ -" ) had to remind him to give me back my pen....I WANT MY PEN BACK o A o I will get it back in a least there isn't much of a rush. I still need to mail Kana back. I feel so terrible. I waited because I wanted to press a flower, but I did it wrong so it's all gross. And then I went to the store today to buy some little goodies for her that I shall send : D
geez, I am the worse pen pal ever (_ _ " wink Oh well.... OH met someone from Korea, is talking to him XD Well...Suki is from Korea. But she's not living there now ._.
there is a little event today too :c and Mango is there, and everyone is there. But I can't go. Oh noo. Because I can't go into the city alone, and someone doesn't want to go D< (well, actually, a someone is at work XD)
damn it :c
maybe I'll get a job. And save up.
So when I graduate, I can ....I'm not going to college. ******** it :/
I'm never going to get out of here. >.>
Unless there is a Summer Romance -cough-yuuki-cough- and they take me away XD would be nice. But then I'm all alone in the city once that ends. Unless it lasts long enough for me to settle down, get a job, make friends, and what not XD
WHITE DAY. ********.
but I'm lucky because I never get Valentine's and such x3 I'm that 不細工
or just unknown. I don't know. 不細工. I'll go with that. 不細工 不細工 不細工 不細工 不細工
(I hope you can read that.)
and so whomever read this,
thanks, you're an a*****e.
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But I'm too damn lazy to really care enough.