Age: 16
Gender: female
Species: human
Eyes: Blue
Bio: Rin saw herself as a normal teenager until she found out that the fire Tenshi jewel was recreated into her. The way she found this out was the day her father was murdered by one of the hunters. There are four jewels all living inside four people many have come to harvest the jewel (person) and want to control their power. This may involve killing the human or keeping them as a slave it’s the hunter’s choice. Rin has often reminded herself about this so she doesn't like to get close to people in fear that one day a hunter will kill them.
Powers: Unknown yet
Weapons: Mask to hide her face from hunters, katana, and the jewel if she could figure it out.
Companion:A Red fire bird called Soneeter.
Side: good.
Personality: Playful,nice,sly,prankster,determind, clumsy.

When she uses the Jewel for defense reasons or loses control her eyes become red.
Name: Rane Luluesha
Age: 16
Gender: female
Species: Shewolf
Eyes: Green
Bio: Rane is one of the most popular singers of her time. Although she hides a secret she is known for the wolf ears on her head. Only a certain few know what she truely is. To take on her singing career she lied saying that the ears are fake since werewolves aren't exactly excepted by humans but that's going to change...
Powers: Transforms into a wolf, can mind read only a little though.
Weapons: Almost anything she can get her hands on can be dangerous with her.
Song: She Wolf
Companion: none.
Side: good.
Personality: PLayful, caring, sly, creative.

Wolf form~

The brown fur should be the same color of her hair.