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My wonderland
My Journal will be full of dreams and some of my stories
I know i said i would go into detail but I can't, i don't...
I just don't remember. So instead, I will just let you all read some of my book instead.


Chapter 1
Because Vampires Need More Than Just Blood.

Hello. Over the next few days, I will record everything that has happened to my friends and me over the last few months. Fortunately, none of it was a complete disaster. But first things first. My friends and I are not exactly what you could call normal teenagers. We are a coven. And a flock. I will take the time to explain.
We are a coven of vampires. And we can fly.
However, it’s not what you think; we can’t fly because we’re mutants, or because we fell into a vat of radioactive goo. But we were bitten by a vampire.
It all started when my friends and I were taking a road trip to the Grand Canyon. I had stopped to use a restroom at a local truck stop. I walked into the ladies room and into a trap.
I walked into a stall and when I was done, I came out and the entire restroom was empty. So instead of just going back to my jeep and using the hand sanitizer that Shelby always kept stalked in her truck, I stopped and took the time to wash my hands in the restroom sink. That was a big mistake on my part. I didn’t even here him come in. But all of a sudden, there was another reflection in the mirror and it wasn’t mine.
He quickly hit me on the head, and knocked me unconscious .The next thing I was being put into the trunk of a car, or at least I thought it was a car. All I knew was that it was dark and cold. So very, very cold. My head was drifting in and out of consciousness at the time so I really can’t be all that sure. All I wanted to do was go to sleep, but I forced myself to fight the feeling. I didn’t want to die.
By this time, my friends were getting worried. Really worried. I should have been out by now. Sam went in to check on me. She had just opened the door a crack when she saw a stranger hit me on the head and jump through the skylight with me draped over his shoulder.

Sam ran back out to the jeep. “Shelby!” she shrieked.
“Where is she Sam? It‘s been nearly half an hour!”, Shelby replied, clearly annoyed.
“I don’t know! I don’t know!”, Sam said, half gasping half sobbing.
“What,”, Shelby screamed, “She has to be!”
By now, they had gotten the attention of the rest of the group. Matthew was the first to ask questions,” Sam, calm down. Breath. What could have possibly led you to believe that Taylor isn’t in that bathroom? And if she isn’t in there, where is she?”
“There was this guy, I didn’t see his face, but he hit Taylor on the head, then he put Taylor on his shoulder and jumped through the skylight. And then he was gone. I know it sounds ridiculous, but go check out the bathroom . I’m not kidding. Taylor is really gone!”
Wait a minute there Sam, why would he take Taylor and not you?”, insisted Mystien.
“Just follow me, I’ll show you.”, replied Sam, insisting that she was right. Then Sam grabbed Shelby’s hand and led her off into the bathroom. And all the others followed.
“Wow.”, that was all most of my friends had to say.
“You really weren’t kidding, were you Sam?”, implied Brooke. “If you don’t believe m check the freaking stalls!”, Sam shouted in hysterics.
“ Wow, Sam chill, we know that you’re not joking anymore. Just calm down.”, Matt insisted in a calm voice. Sam sat in a huff on the glass covered floor. By this time she had tears streaming down her face. Brooke pulled Shelby and Matt aside and left Mystien to investigate.
“I don’t think Sams lying. I have never heard he yell like that. And when was the last time any of us have ever seen her cry? She’s not lying. She really did see some guy jump through a skylight with Taylor on his shoulder. Taylor really was kidnapped.”
“By what? Superman?”, Matt asked sullenly.
“Matthew this is not a time for jokes! Taylor’s has been kidnapped! And the glass on the floor, along with the broken skylight proves that!” Shelby said harshly.
“But it just seems a little far fetched, I mean come on! Jumped through a skylight? Sam threw a rock at the skylight and Taylor snuck out through the back door.”, Matthew replied skeptically.
“Matthew Lashare! Does Sam look like she’s lying! And even if she did through a rock where did it go? And even if it did go high enough to even touch the glass I doubt that it would have enough force to even crack it. And the girl’s bathroom doesn’t have another exit. You have to enter and exit through the same door genius.”, Shelby said while punching him. They walked back over to Sam.
They all sat down and engulfed her in a group hug while she cried.

“So let’s get this right. He jumped through a skylight in the ladies bathroom?”
“Yes officer. With my friend on his shoulder.”
“How far off the ground was the alleged skylight and ceiling?”
“About eighty feet officer.”
“And how old did you say you were young lady?”
“Sixteen officer.”
“Hmmmm. It sounds to me like you and your little friends down at the truck stop are trying to pull a prank.”
“Excuse me officer?”
“Young lady, down here at the station we take missing persons reports seriously. And we do not have time for a couple of minors trying to pull a fast one on the local police while on vacation. If you try and call here again I will have to come down there and arrest you.”
“But this isn’t a prank…”
“Good day miss.”
Sam snapped her cell phone shut, “The police are out of the question.”
“How do you know that?”, Matt questioned.
“Well Matthew if you really must know, the Sheriff just informed me that they don’t have time for pranksters.”, Sam replied harshly.
Shelby intervened, “Let’s just get a hotel room and figure things out. We should stay in town while we get things situated. Then we can find a way to help Taylor.

“Owe.”, I whispered as I gingerly touched the wound on my head.
It was what felt like a bruise. And from what it felt like there was a matching bruise on the base of my neck. It was then that I began to remember what had happened in the bathroom, I bolted upright. Or at least I tried to. There was a bar holding me down. I started to squirm.
“Please don’t do that. It makes it much harder to hold on to you.”, said a sickly sweet voice behind my ear.
“Let go!”, I shrieked at the voice as loud as I could.
“Now now, there will be no need for shouting. I will in turn let you go at the site if you promise not to run away.”, the voice whispered in my ear.
“Fine.”, I whimpered to the voice.
“No need to worry. We’ll be there in a matter of minutes. Just keep your head down and hold still till we get there.”, the voice proclaimed.
“Why?”, I asked in a small voice.
“Well because if you look up now you might get frightened. And the last thing I need is you freaking out.”, the voice answered calmly.
“So in other words, we’re not in a car, are we?”, I was terrified of the answer.
“Why no we’re not and we haven’t been the entire time I’ve had you. Now please be quiet so I can concentrate on where I’m going. I will gladly answer your questions once we get to the site.”
By this time I was really getting worried about getting to that site. I really didn’t want to get there any time soon.
Those next few minutes were possibly the worst in my life.
“Has anything come up on the Google search yet?”, Mystien asked impatiently.
“No and if you ask again in the next fifteen minutes, I will rip your mouth off and burn it at the stake.”, Matthew replied angrily.
“Hey going at each others throats is not going to solve any of our problems. No more fighting or I will put you both in separate corners and I’ll do all of the googlimg.”, Brooke broke up the conversation before it turned into a full fledge fight..
“Fine.”, was Matthews only response.
“Whatever.”, was Samantha’s chosen input.
“I would love to see what you two would act like if you were dating since this is what you act like as friends.”, teased Shelby
“Hey, what did I just get through telling them? The rule applies to you too. So be nice.”, Brooke said firmly. She was clearly getting mad.
“I’m just saying.”, were the only other words that came out of Shelby’s mouth. The conversation was now officially over. The entire room was silent except for the quiet tapping of the computer keys. Suddenly Matthew spun around in the swivel chair and stated, “In every awkward silence a gay baby’s born!” The group broke into laughter and for a few seconds every one could pretend nothing was wrong.

Chapter 2

Suddenly, the sweet voice spoke again, breaking the silence, “I’m going to let you down now, as I promised, but no running.”
“No running. Got it.”, I whispered back.
And as promised the voice lowered me down and let me go. Now it was time to put a face to this mysterious voice.
“I’m freezing.”, I whispered, not sure in which direction to speak. There was almost no light. I wasn’t even sure where I was.
“One second, I apparently have forgotten what it’s like to have a live guest.”, said the voice.
A live guest. That gave me two ideas. Either the person who came with the voice is a cannibal who needed food, or a hermit who wanted company. Frankly, I would rather go with hermit.
“Why a fire?” Don’t you have electricity?”, I asked, determined to keep talking.
“Why, I’m afraid not. Most abandoned campgrounds don’t.”
Great. Campground. Abandoned. No witnesses.
I heard the scratching hiss of a match being lit. I turned to my right and saw a small patch of fire moving toward what must have been a pile of firewood. The kinder quickly caught fire. And then I saw the body that belonged to the mysterious voice and gasped.
“Oh dear, I probably should have warned you beforehand about my skin.” I saw the lips moving, and I heard the voice, but I couldn’t put the two together. I nearly fell flat right there. I couldn’t believe what I saw. I then remember blacking out. What I don’t remember, was hitting the ground.
I woke up next to the fire with a blanket drawn up over my shoulders.
“I’m sorry. And after all I did to keep from frightening you out of your wits, I forget to cover my skin. It was very stupid.” I could not believe my ears. This beautiful creature was apologizing to me.
“It wasn’t your fault. I overreacted.”, that was only half the truth. It was just all too much to take in. I could see the boy sitting on the other side of the fire with a blanket wrapped around him. But I had a feeling that he was hiding his from me.
“No, it is my fault. You had a perfectly normal reaction. My skin sparkles. It freaked you out. You fainted. Anyone else would too.”, this guy was determined to take the blame.. And I was going to let him. Sure he was beautiful, sure his skin sparkled in the firelight to add to the beauty, but he still kidnapped me.
“I don’t mean to sound rude or anything, but if you don’t mind me asking, why does your skin do that?”
“I will answer that simple question with a simple answer. But I will only tell you if you promise to not freak out and faint again.”, it seemed like he was making a feeble attempt to poke fun at me for fainting.
“I think I can agree to those terms”, ignoring his attempt.
He took a deep breath and chuckled. It was a lovely sound.
“I was bitten a long time ago.”, he baited me. And I took it.
“By what? A radioactive bug.” , I made a little joke, hoping that it wasn’t true.
“No.”, he said solemnly.
“Then what?”, I didn’t like the tension that was building up around the fire. He took a long, deep breath, “You’re not going to like me if I tell you.”, he said sadly.
“I shouldn’t like you in the first place. You kidnapped me from the ladies bathroom at a truck stop. But so far I do your nice. Or at least I hope you are. I can’t hold anything against you except for the kidnapping. I promise not to judge.”, I don’t know what had come over me.
“Alright, I’ll tell you.”
“Well get on with it then. I want to know.”
“No you probably don’t, because I could do this to you. I was bitten by a vampire.”
Well, that gets everything out in the open.
“Wait. If you get bitten by a vampire, and live, doesn’t that make you a vampire?”, I wish I had never even asked
“Why, yes, yes it does.”, he answered as if it was the easiest question in the world.
“One more question. Are you going to kill me?”, I just simply wanted to know.
“No. I brought you here so I could have some company. And unless you want me to kill you I won’t.”, he stated simply.
“But what if you get thirsty or something?”, even I heard my voice crack.
“Then I’ll go hunting. There’s no reason to for you to be so worried. I know how to control myself if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m not going to kill you while you’re sleeping.”
“Okay this is my absolutely last question. What is your name?”
“Nathaniel. And what , may I ask is yours?”
“Danielle Taylor.”
“That is a lovely name.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, Miss Taylor, may I call you Taylor?”
“I do believe that we shall be the best of friends.”
Friends! This was coming from the guy who kidnapped me.
“What about my other friends? The ones who were with me on our trip to the Grand Canyon? The ones I should be with right now.”
“Oh I didn’t realize. You were alone in the bathroom. I’m sorry. But you can’t go back tonight that’s for sure.” Great a vampire with feelings.
“But they need to know I’m safe..” for now anyway, I thought to myself.
“I said no. and we can figure the rest out tomorrow.”, Nathaniel stated.
“What are you? My mother?”, I asked, taking a chance.
“No, But I’m old enough to be your grandfathers grandfather. Though I might not look it.”

Chapter 3
“Matt. Matt! Wake up!”, Brooke whispered in his ear while shaking him.
“Sorry, I must have fallen asleep.”, Matthew said with a yawn.
“I should say so, since you have an imprint of your Del’s keyboard on your face.”, Mystien said jokingly.
“Ha ha, very funny.”, said Matthew unamussed.
“Matt, go get some sleep. I’ll finish the search.”, Sam said while kicking him out of the swivel chair, “Wait, what did you type in the search engine?”
“Missing persons report.”, said Matthew while stiffling another yawn.
Matthew shuffled over to the only bed and grabbed a pillow and the top sheet and then collapsed out of exhaustion on the floor, leaving the bed and the couch for the girls.

When I awoke the next morning, I was laying on a pile of blankets arranged for a makeshift bed. I sat up looking around t see where Nathaniel was. It was better to be safe than sorry. He was sitting up behind me. Which you have to admit is wicked creepy.
“Good morning. You sleep a lot.”
“Well what do you expect? Yesterday was a long day. Getting kidnapped takes a lot out of a girl.”, I stated viscously.

“Is everyone in this decade this grumpy when they wake up?”, he asked genuinely interested.
“Only the ones who get kidnapped the night before.”, I grumbled.
He seemed to take my answer as is.
“Hey how old are you, I mean age wise that is?”, I questioned.
“I was bitten and stopped ageing at sixteen. But I’ve been alive for over three hundred years.”, he answered.
“Oh.”, was all I could force out of my mouth.
“How old are you”, he asked, looking me straight in the eye.
“Sixteen.”, I answered.
“Cool. We’re the same age, theoretically of course.”, he said surprised.
“Yeah.”, I stated, completely astonished.
The guy who kidnapped me was only sixteen. That was a genuine shocker. Almost as much as a shocker that he thought it was cool. Or that he was a vampire. I truly did not know what I had gotten myself into this time.

“How did the search go Sam?”, Matt asked as he stretched his aching muscles.
“Gee. I guess I wouldn’t know Matt. Your computer crashed the moment I pulled up the search engine.” Said Sam through gritted teeth
“You and your stupid laptop!”, she mumbled to herself
“Sam, its not his fault.”, Mystien called from the bathroom.
“Well I could access the wireless features on my phone, but this entire hotel is a dead zone! There is absolutely no signal!”, Brooke announced grumpily.
“Where is the last place you had a signal Brooke?”, asked Matthew.
“In the last town, 100 miles back.”, Brooke answered , obviously distraught about not being able to text.
“This is just plain sad. We have all the connections we need, and we can’t even use them. This town sucks! We are so not stopping here on the way back.”, Mystien called, still in the bathroom.
“So what’s our next step going to be?”, Brooke asked in concern.
There was silence in the room.
“I know what we’re going to do.”, Shelby piped in her child-like voice for the first time that day., “We are going to track this guy or thing down and get our best friend back. We can hire a private investigator to track him. We can use the money that we had saved for gas. I am pretty sure that we won’t need it if we can’t find Taylor. We probably won’t even have time to finish the trip anyway. And even if we did, I doubt that any of us would want to.”
“Good plan. But what P.I. in his right mind would hire out to a bunch of minors. And what P.I. would even take one of us seriously enough to even consider hiring out to us. The police didn’t even believe us.”, said Matthew in a doubtful tone.
“Fine just to prove you right, I’ll hire one.”, said Shelby, indignant and determined.

“W-why are you looking at me like that?”, I stuttered nervously.
“I’m not thirsty if that’s what you’re thinking. I can go without blood for an entire month. And I just hunted the other day. And I was looking at your skin tone. I don’t believe that I have ever seen that tone before. What race are you?” Nathaniel asked curiously.
“What?” I answered his question with another question.
“What culture are you from.”, he restated patiently.
“Oh. I’m half black.” I answered, not wanting to reveal the whole truth.
“No. I’ve seen mixed people before. Even if you are half black, the other part isn’t white. I can tell.”,
Oh great. First this guys a vampire, now he’s a lie detector too.
“ The other half’s Asian.”, I said ruefully.
“Hmmm, that is a truly an interesting mix. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before. It makes for a wonderful complexion though.”
“Don’t try to tell my dermatologist that.” ,I muttered too myself.
“Ha, you’re funny.”, he laughed.
“How do you know? I said that under my breath.”
“That’s all you have to do. I have an extremely wide range of hearing.”, Nathaniel said proudly.
Great, I thought to myself.
“Ummm, Nathaniel, I have a question.”, I asked quietly, not wanting to speak louder than necessary.
“What about?”, he looked at me strangely.
“Me?”, he cocked his head to the side.
“Okay. Hit me with it.”, he murmured, not knowing what to expect.
“I don’t know how to say or ask this, but did it hurt when you became a vampire?”, I asked, wanting to arm myself with knowledge.
“It’s a little hard for me to remember because it was so long ago. It prickled a little bit when it bit me, but after that, it burned. For days it felt like I was on fire.”, he answered.
“How long did it take?”, I inquired.
“Three days. After I was bitten.”
“Wow you burned for four whole days.”
“It was like-”, he exasperated.
“Watch your mouth!”, I yelled, making him jump!
“Yes.”, I yelled. This time almost in his face.
Just then I heard my cell phone vibrate. That was funny. I thought I left my purse in the bathroom.
“Did you take my purse when you took me?”, I asked concerned.
“Yes. What’s making that noise?”
“My cell phone. Give me my purse and I’ll make it stop.”
“You already have it. You used it as a pillow last night.”
So I looked down at the ground where my head was when I woke up.
And there it was.
I took my blackberry out.
The buzz of the vibrating stopped.
“Why was it doing that?”
“I got a text.”
“Read it. Out loud. Now.”, he said, almost too quickly.
“Okay. It was from my mom. It says: hi. How’s the trip going? Wired some money into your account..”, I read quickly, then added, “Good, no ones told her yet.”
“Toss it here. Now.”, he demanded harshly.
“Why?”, I inquired, ready for my one ticket out of here.
“Because I said so.”, he said madly.
“No.”, I said hotly. Before I even got a chance to think of a way to keep my phone, it was gone.
“Hey!”, I said, exasperated. Nathaniel didn’t seemed to have moved.
“Where did it go, I was just holding it.”
Right then, I heard a sickening crack, that told me my phone was no more.
“How did you get it?”, I inquired.
“I. am. A. Vampire. What part about that do you not understand?
If I can jump through a skylight with you on my shoulder, and run faster than most cars, I hunt large game when I get thirsty, and kill them with my hands. What makes you think you could keep a stupid phone out of my grasp?”, he proclaimed in a hiss.
“You broke my blackberry. That was the last present my father ever gave me. Now I have nothing left from him. Not to mention, the only thing that was keeping my friends from going crazy. If it wasn’t broken, they would know I was alive! Now they don’t even know I’m safe! And apparently, neither do I!”, I said on the verge of a breakdown.
“Don’t do that…”, he said as I started to cry.
I looked over at him, “You should have just killed me.”, I said through the tears.

Chapter 4
“Hello miss. How may I help you today?”, said the man at the counter.
“My good man, do you happen to hire out to minors?”, said Shelby, ever so polite.
“Why no, I’m terribly sorry, but we do not hire out to minors.”, replied the man. Shelby walked outside the store.
“So, was I right?”, Matt said leaning over so that he was just inches away from Shelby’s face.
“Shut it Matt.”, was Shelby’s only answer.

“Fine.”, was Nathaniel’s only response to my coldness.
He sat on the other side of the fire pit. I already started forming an escape plan in my head. It wasn’t exactly brilliant, but I had enough confidence left to make it work. Or at least I hoped I could make it work.
I was going to wait for Nathaniel to turn his back. And then, I would run, and get as far away from the campsite and Nathaniel into the forest as my legs could carry me. He would quickly lose my trail. And then I would be home free to find my way out of this retched place. I know that the plan was a little cocky, but what other choice did I have if I wanted to make it out of here alive? I was watching him closely now. He pulled a blanket up around his shoulders and laid down. Lucky for me, he laid on his side, facing opposite my direction. That was perfect. I slowly started to get up. If I didn’t go now, I might not get another chance like this. I straightened up and took a step backwards. And cracked a twig.
He whipped around so fast that I didn’t even see him turn. He was now in a standing position, “Where do you think your going?”, he asked flatly.
Throwing all caution to the wind, I flat out ran. I made it a few seconds into the forest, when he dropped out of a tree in front of me and cut me off. I stumbled and fell backwards, managing to catch my head on a tree.. He took a step forward. And for some reason I was beginning to feel lightheaded. I reached back with my hand to feel the throbbing spot on the back of my head. I felt something warm and sticky. I pulled my hand back to inspect it. And on the tips of my fingers and the palm of my hand was fresh blood.
Nathaniel had a strange look on his face. And in an instance, I suddenly knew just how much trouble I had gotten myself into with this stupid plan.
With just another look at Nathaniel’s face, I realized that he was now more than just a little thirsty.

They piled into Shelby’s truck and drove back to hotel.
“What do you think Taylor would do?”, asked a timid Brooke.
“ Well knowing Taylor, she would have already gotten the dude who kidnapped us, and well, kicked his butt halfway to Jersey. Then she would take us home, punch us in the arm and ask us what the heck we were thinking.”, answered a sad Matthew.
“Taylor always was a fighter. I hope that wherever they are that he’s not hurting her.”, said a proud Shelby.
“That’s our problem. Without Taylor, not a single one of us has a clue about how to get through this without losing her. Because we don’t know how to fight the way Taylor does. She gave us nerve. And I want my nerve back. And I want to beat the crap out of that scum. I say we go looking. We don’t need any one or anything else than what’s in this truck right now.”, said Mystien getting a grip on things.
“I’m with Mystien. I want Taylor back. Tomorrow we start.”, said Shelby.

Nathaniel approached me with a wild gleam in his eyes. He squatted down in front of me, keeping his eyes on my hand as if he thought that if he looked away it would disappear. He reached out and grabbed my wrist and brought my hand level with his face. He inclined his head and smelled it, inhaling the scent of my blood. He stuck his tongue out hesitantly and tasted it. Then he went into a frenzy. He yanked at my wrist throwing me forward onto the forest floor., He inhaled deeply again. He crouched over my neck…

“Matt, get to rebooting your computer. Girls we need to talk.”, said Mystien, taking over the operation, “Look. Tomorrow we are going into the wood. No matter what. We have to find her. I will not go home unless I get to ride with Taylor in her jeep. I will not go home and tell her mom that she won’t be coming back. If she doesn’t go back, neither do we. Is that understood?”
“Agreed.”, Shelby and Brooke said in unison. Sam stayed silent.
“Mystien, its online!”, said Matthew from across the room.
“Good. Get to googling maps of the forest. Me and the girls are going out to buy supplies and equipment! “, replied Mystien, now fully in takeover mode.
She grabbed the keys off the side table while striding out the door, flanked by Shelby, Sam and Brooke.

Nathaniel grabbed a handful of my hair to get it away from my neck. Though he was incredibly fast, everything seemed to move in slow motion. He lowered his lips in a pucker toward my neck as if inclining to kiss it.
His teeth sank into my neck breaking skin almost immediately. He moved his hands to my shoulder and my scalp as if to help him hold on. And the moment he tasted my blood on his tongue his grip tightened as if he was excited. He bit down harder. My scream filled the entire forest scarring the birds out of the trees. He was wrong. The bite hurt. It burned. I wanted to die.
“Nathaniel,” I gasped, “Nathaniel. Stop! Stop!”
He seemed to respond, loosening his bite.
So I tried again. “You. Are. Killing. Me! Stop! It burns!”, I gasped and sputtered.
I felt his teeth slip away. And then I was lost in the burning.
Nathaniel panicked. He quickly flicked his tongue over his bite marks to seal them with his venom. Then he moved to my head wound and licked it also so it would seal and keep what little blood I had left inside me. He picked me up and ran back to the campsite and laid me on a blanket. The burning started to spread to the rest of my body. And somewhere I found the strength to let out one last scream as Nathaniel ran off into the darkness, leaving me there alone.

“Matt! We’re back.”, Shelby shouted as she slammed the door shut.
Brooke dropped the bag of hiking stuff at her feet. Mystien dropped the bag of provisions on the counter. Sam sat down at the nearest chair, leaving he bag with Shelby’s Then there was a quick rap on the door. Mystien, the only one tall enough to see through the peephole walked over and looked down at a guy who could be no older than she. He knocked again, this time adding a quick, “Let me in! I know Taylor!”
Mystien looked at Sam for reassurance who gave her a little nod. She unlatched the door and opened it so he could come in.
“Thank you.”, he said coolly. In seeing the back of his head as he thanked Mystien Sam let out a gasp and nearly tipped her chair over her chair.
“Mystien! That’s. That’s!”, Sam sputtered.
“What?”, Mystien looked at Sam curiously.
“It’s! That’s him! The guy. Who… Taylor … in the bathroom!”, was all Sam could choke out between her tears of rage.
“What!”, Mystien shrieked as she charged the strange kid. Even though he didn’t even clear Mystien’s shoulders height-wise, he did not flinch.
“Yes. I am the guy. And how did you know?”, he asked looking at Sam.
“She was there, in the door way you rotten scumbag! Just wait till I get my hands on you!”, Screamed Mystien in rage while being held back by Brooke and Matthew.
“Taylor is fine, temporarily. But she’s hurt. She needs you. Please come with me.”, Nathaniel said calmly.
“Why should we believe you? How do we know your not lying?”, Matt questioned.
“If I didn’t have her why would I know that she’s half black half Asian.”, was his only response.
Feeling Mystien could handle herself, Matthew let his arms fall to his sides. “It really is him. How many people know Taylor’s race without her telling them first. If he didn’t have her, he would have said she was Spanish. And there is no way he could have guessed.”
“That’s right.”, Nathaniel said with a weak smile.
“Did you torture it out of her? Or did you two become buddy buddy all of a sudden?” , Mystien hissed with venom in her voice, still some what held back by the struggling Brooke.
“I asked for her friendship, and she complied. I asked her the question of heritage and she answered willingly. I have not hurt her, so to speak. Well that is until now.”, said Nathaniel, with his voice dripping with sadness.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE !”, thundered Mystien, breaking free of her Brooke and picking Nathaniel up by his collar so his head was level with hers. She slammed him into the nearest wall and was winding her fist back, aiming a punch when Matthew caught her fist in his hand, “Enough. Mystien, if you beat him, we’ll never find Taylor.”, he said calmly. Mystien clutched Nathaniel’s collar harder as she let him down.
“Well now that that’s done, may I continue?”, Nathaniel asked before continuing, “Good. I was going to say, I only took Taylor because I needed a companion, she seemed nice, and she was alone. I never realized she was with you. Now I see how attached she was to you, calling out your names and talking to you in her dreams. She needs you. I was foolish to try to make a friend that way. And now she is in trouble. More than you can imagine. She tried to run I ran after her into the woods, and she fell, she struck her head on a tree, and I….”
“You what?”, asked Sam, staring coldly at him , “Just got carried away? Beat her up a little bit? Made her cuts and scrapes deeper on purpose? What’s your excuse?”
“Come with me. You won’t believe me unless you see it for yourself. Unless you hear her pain, voiced in screams.”, Nathaniel said avoiding her glare.
“Fine, we’ll go. But we bring Taylor with us. Home. Minus you.”, demanded Matthew.
“Fine.”, Nathaniel agreed solemnly.
Matthew opened the door and let Brooke through first and Mystien last with Nathaniel in the middle before grabbing the keys to the truck and walking through the door himself, locking it behind him.
In the parking lot, Matthew pulled Mystien aside. “Do you think we can trust him?”, Matthew said with the doubt clear in his voice.
“That is the stupidest question you have ever asked. Ever!”, Mystien said while smacking him on the head.
“I’m serious. We are going to have to let him drive.” , Matthew said looking her in the eyes.
“No. no way. Shelby will never go for it. That trucks her baby.”, Mystien said in disbelief.
“She already agreed.”, Matthew said smugly.
“Fine.”, Mystien agreed.
Matthew walked up to Nathaniel and offered the keys. Nathaniel took them without a problem. They climbed into the truck, with Matthew in the front seat and Mystien, Sam, Brooke, and Shelby in the back so that if Nathaniel tried anything stupid, he could quickly be over come. Nathaniel put the keys into the ignition and started to drive out of the parking lot and down the road with the hotel disappearing behind them.
“We won’t be able to drive this for much longer.”, Nathaniel said nervously.
“Why? I should have a full tank of gas.”, Shelby replied.
“Its not that. I meant that we won’t be able to go offroading in this. It is way too big. It won’t fit on my path through the woods. And it’s the only way to her.”, Nathaniel was pulling off onto the turf next to the forest.
“Do you mean to tell me that you have left our best friend, who I consider a baby sister in a forest. With no protection.”, Matthew panted, “You little idiot!”, he screamed while trying to wrap his hands around Nathaniel’s throat.
Nathaniel held up his arms to shield himself, not wanting to ruin the allusion that he was human for as long as possible. But Matthew still progressed. Nathaniel then realized that Matthew was fueled by rage, giving him more strength than the gangly teenager already had. He would had no other choice. He hoped that the small blonde one would not mind. He would have to ruin her truck. Even though Nathaniel was exerting the smallest amount of energy he could without hurting Matthew, the teen was starting to overcome him. Time to try another maneuver.

Chapter 5

“Girls I suggest that you get a little ways into the woods to avoid being hit by debris. There is about to be a lot of it.”, he chanced a look over his shoulder at Sam Brooke, Shelby and Mystien, “Out now!” he shouted to get his point across. They seemed to get it. As they piled through the door Shelby through Matthew a cautious look as if to say be careful, but he didn’t see it because his intent was to focused on killing Nathaniel. Nathaniel dropped his arms as the girls were running to the trees for cover unaware of what was going to happen. Just as Matthew lunged at Nathaniel’s throat with his hands, Nathaniel caught his chest with both feet and went vamp, pushing with all his inhuman strength at Matthew forcing him to be thrown so hard that he had gone through the window and reinforced metal that was the door of Shelby’s truck on to the grass while spraying the Mystien, Brooke, and Sam who had shielded Shelby, none of which had gotten far enough from the truck. Sam pushed Brooke and Shelby back when the door had detached itself from the truck and went flying right towards them. Sam and Shelby had cleared the door before it landed, but Mystien had not been that lucky. She had been so distracted by trying to see what had happened that at the exact moment Nathaniel leapt from the car, giant snarls ripping from his chest that she had not moved in time and the mixture of twisted metal and shattered glass had struck her on her torso, knocking her on her back.
“Mystien!” , Shrieked Shelby and Sam, racing from the forest to where their comrade had fallen.
“Mystien.”, whispered Sam as she pushed the metal off her friend, only to discover something worse. There was a large rose of blood blooming on Mystien’s midsection. Shelby was looking for the source when she saw a rather large piece of glass sticking out right above where Mystien’s navel was. Nathaniel forced himself to concentrate enough focus to not go into a frenzy over the spilled blood. Beneath him was Matthew, battered and scrapped with cuts all over his back and face. He would be fine for the moment.
Sam was reaching down to pull out the spike of glass that had pierced her friend.
“Don’t you dare pull that out!”, shouted Nathaniel, “Or she’ll have no chance of living.”
Sam’s hand was hovering right over the glass, but she obeyed. With Matthew thrown over one shoulder he approached the girls.
“Follow me.”, he ordered while hoisting Mystien over his other shoulder. Then he set down into the woods at a brisk pace, which Sam and Shelby had to jog to keep up with. It seemed that within seconds they came to a clearing that was big enough to be a valley, but small enough to make a campsite. It seemed as though there was a lump of moaning blankets next to a roughly made fire pit. They soon recognized it to be me, burning from the inside out. Nathaniel was quick to lay out the wounded Mystien and Matthew.
“Fix her! Fix Mystien now! She’s lost too much blood.”, Yelled Sam. Nathaniel took this into account. He had to make sure,” At any costs?”
“Yes!”, Sam and Shelby said in unison.
Then he set roughly to work, letting his Vampire instincts take over. With brute strength he yanked the shard out of Mystien, to whom it had imbedded itself in. Fresh blood gushed from her wound. Nathaniel leaned over and appeared to be kissing her wound , when in fact he was spitting as much blood and venom into the wound as he could. When he could ask no more of himself there he flicked his tongue and sealed the wound. He moved to her neck, biting down as hard as he could, staunching the blood, but letting his venom flow freely into her veins. Distantly he could hear and feel Sam and Shelby pounding on his back screaming at him to stop.
He licked the wound and stood facing the girls.
“What are you doing!”, Shelby screamed at him.
“The only thing I can at this point. Helping her the way I helped Taylor, except on purpose this time. I had to change her before her heart stopped. “, he said while moving towards Matthew., “I’m afraid that he too shares my fate. I broke too many of his bones and one punctured his lungs. Its filling with blood. Stand back”, he said stooping over Matthew. He inclined his head and bit down on Matthews’s neck and just then, Mystien’s mind registered the burning venom with malice, and her screams drowned out Matthews’s gasp of pain, and the uneven thumping of his partially crushed heart. Nathaniel pretended not to hear it. He had to stay focused, if he didn’t it would have disastrous results for Matthew. He focused all his energy into sending his venom coursing into Matthew’s veins. Matthew only semi-conscious, was letting out nerve racking screams that accompanied Mystien’s, which had now turned into a line of disgruntled profanities.
Nathaniel had given it his all. If he tried to push any more venom into Matthews’s system, it would kill him. He liked his wound. Nathaniel looked up at the girls, who were holding each other terrified, watching every little move Nathaniel made. He slowly stood up and wiped his mouth on his sleeve, “ I’m sorry. But I had to. But I think I owe you two some answers. I know your scared, but I won’t harm you.”, he said calmly.
Sam sat down next to Taylor. Her hand brushed the skin of Taylor’s hand. “She’s so cold. It burned me.”, She mumbled.
“Yes she is. That is just the one of the many things that she is right now. And I’m afraid that they are very permanent.”, said Nathaniel.
“Why?”, Shelby asked, sitting next to Sam.
“Because I lost control.”, he answered.
“What? Lost control over what? Why is she so cold.”, demanded Sam
“I lost it. That’s all there is too it. She ran. She fell and hit her head. She started to bleed. I wasn’t prepared. I hadn’t been hunting in so long. I was so thirsty, and I couldn’t help it. She asked me to stop. Over and over. And then I did.”, he said, his voice was dripping with remorse.
“Okay. You lost us at she started to bleed. Other than that your not making any sense. And why do you keep saying you lost control?”, asked Shelby.
“I am not human.”, was Nathaniel’s only answer.
“You are not human. You are not human! Tell us what the heck is going on! You said yourself that you owe us some answers so start talking!” yelled Sam.
“You won’t believe me.”, he said.
This pushed Shelby over the edge. She stood and pushed him down to the ground so she was taller than him, “Look here punk! For all we know right now, our friends could be dead! We want to know what exactly happened to them and you are the only one who can tell us. Now I don’t really give a crap if you don’t want to. You are going to tell us everything that has happened starting at what happened in the bathroom! Understand!”, she screamed in his face.
“Yes.”, Nathaniel agreed. And so he told them. Not leaving out a single detail. And they believed him. Because after seeing the changes that had started taking place in Matthew and Mystien, and hearing why they were happening, they couldn’t deny any of it.
“And so comes the question of whether you too would like to join them.”, Nathaniel stated.
They looked at him in terror. Nathaniel seized the moment to get up and collect some fire wood. He added the wood to the remains of the firewood and took a match from his pocket, “You don’t have too if you don’t want to. Your not in danger of dieing. I only bit your friends because they were going to die. Well in tailors case it was an accident. But you don’t have to share our fate.”, Nathaniel said calmly about to strike the Match on his skin, then he paused, ‘I should probably tell you that my skin sparkles. And it does, just so that you won’t be alarmed, it only sparkles in the sun and in firelight.”
“Oh course! What else can you do? Fly?”, Sam said sarcastically.
“Oh I’m quite serious. Would you like to see some of it with just the match, so it won’t be so alarming. I find that it usually isn’t as overwhelming if you see it on a small scale before hand.”, he while flitting the match between his fingers.
“Fine.”, said Sam, following Shelby, who was already next to Nathaniel looking down at his arm. Struck the match on the back of his arm. When he held it up to the back of hand, his skin shimmered like crazy.
“Oh.”, Shelby gasped, “It’s pretty.”
“Thank you, but I don’t make it happen,”, he said throwing the match into the wood that was in the fire pit, “ it just does. It is one of the many things I can’t explain.”
In the last lights of the cloudy day and the newly made fire Shelby and Sam could see Mystien, who was closest to the fire of the three newly bitten people , that her skin had gotten just the faint a faint glimmer of what her skin would soon be. Thanks to the venom of Nathaniel which was now coursing through her veins, , fixing her cuts and bruises and changing her along the way.
Shelby had to turn away. She walked around the fire and sat down next to Taylor. She couldn’t help but wonder if this was supposed to be her future. Would she soon be the one laying near the fire changing into something unknown, burning.
“If I said yes. Would it hurt when you bit me? Mean, would the burning start right away?” asked Shelby directing her question towards Nathaniel.

Chapter 5

“I don’t really know. But judging your friends reaction, yes, it would start almost immediately.”
Shelby turned to Sam, “I want to do it.”
“What?”, asked a bewildered Sam.
“I want to be bitten. Sam if we stay human, they might kill us. I want to join them.”
“Okay. But I want to be bitten to. I don’t want to be alone.”, replied Sam.
Shelby turned toward Nathaniel , “Okay, Nathaniel. Where do our want to do this?”, she asked.
“ If you want, you could lay right there.”, he answered.
“Okay. Lets do this.”, she replied.
“You two are the first two willing humans to go through this of their own will. But then again, not many have been given the chance.”, he said striding towards them, “Okay, you have to be very still. I don’t want to kill you. So can you try to make this the easiest possible for the both of us. It might help the process if you held your hair away from your neck while I bite.”, he said while Shelby and Sam were getting into position.
“Okay, Shelby, do you mind going first?”, asked Sam.
“No I wanted too.”, she answered.
“Okay, since she’s going first, will you help me by hold her still and keeping her hair away from her face?”, asked Nathaniel, trying to mentally prepare himself for what he was about to do. Sam got up.
“How am I supposed to keep her still? What do you want me to do?”, she asked trembling.
“It would help me a lot if you could try to keep her head from jerking around.”, he answered not looking her in the eye.
Sam knelt down next to Shelby, “ See you later.”, she said.
“ Before she could say anything Nathaniel was biting her throat, pushing his venom harder than he ever had. He had to push it harder. Shelby was healthy, which meant it would take longer for the venom to take her system. He licked her wound.
“Okay. Where do want to do this?”, he asked in Sam’s direction.
“Next to She….”, was all Sam got to say before she was drown out by Shelby’s screams.
Sam did the same for Brooke who had been sitting down through the entire time from the first time she saw Taylor on the ground.
“Okay.”, mouthed Nathaniel. Sam laid down next to Shelby.
Sam did the same for Brooke who had been sitting down through the entire time from the first time she saw Taylor on the ground. She closed her eyes. .There was a stinging feeling at the base of her neck. And then the burning started.
Nathaniel sat down next to me. “I’m sorry.”, he whispered. Then he laid his head in his hands and waited.

Chapter 6

Nathaniel sat there at the campsite for days, not wanting to leave.
“Nathaniel?”, I asked weakly.
“Taylor! Your awake! I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have done that!”, he said hurriedly.
“Nathaniel! Shut up! Your yelling!”, I almost screamed.
“No I’m not. That’s your new hearing.”, Nathaniel said smugly.
I slowly sat up. “Oh. What did you do?”, I said looking down to find all of my friends on the ground withering in pain.
“They got hurt and wanted me to do it. The other girls, Sam and Shelby, I think, wanted me to because they wanted to be one of us.”, he answered.
“Why?”, I asked impatiently, “How did Mystien and Matthew get hurt?”
“There was an accident with Shelby’s truck when Matthew wanted to kill Me.”, Nathaniel stated avoiding my gaze.
“What exactly is one of ‘us’?”, I questioned.
“A vampire. And might I add you are taking your new found changes with surprising strength.”, he complimented.
“Don’t try and sweet talk me. You have to remember, that if I wanted too, I could have already ripped your head off. But I haven’t. So don’t push me.”, I said shaking with anger. Just seeing my friends on the ground, it was fueling my anger.
“why.”, I asked in a small voice.
“Why what?”, questioned Nathaniel.
“Why did you do that to them?” I whispered.
“I… I.. They… They, the two girls said to save them. At any cost. I.. it didn’t seem right to see them die.”, he answered somewhat unsure of himself.
“No. It didn’t seem right for them to die. It seemed mortal. Human. Normal. They didn’t have a choice. They were human. All humans die eventually. That’s the way it was meant to happen. Now you tried to save Matthew. And Mystien. But what about Brooke, Sam and Shelby?”, I asked, more to myself than to Nathaniel.
“I explained what was happening , and what had happened. They took it surprisingly well. Then they asked me to change them too. The short one, Shelby is it, said something about not being left behind and that you would all stick together.”
“ They felt the need to become like the rest of us. Stupid, you should have said no.”, I shouted.
“Calm down. If I hadn’t changed them you would have killed them.”, Nathaniel yelled back.
“What are you saying? They are my friends. The only one I have wanted to kill lately is you.”, I screamed defensively.
“Taylor. Do you feel that tingling dry feeling at the back of your throat. Well as a new born you will have to be thirsty. And when you get thirsty and smell a human, that tingling turns into burning. Scorching to the point of pain. And they smell like the most wonderful in the world. I did you a solid.”, he said in almost a whisper.
“A solid what? Favor? You turned my friends into vampires.”, I said coldly as I struggled to calm myself.
“I saved you from the guilt of killing your friends. When I was turned there was no one to save me that guilt.”, he whispered.
“What exactly did happen to you?”, I said coolly.
“Why don’t we have a seat and I’ll tell you.”. he suggested while sitting down where he stood.
“Fine.”, I said while plopping down beside him.
“It all started a long time ago. After I was bitten, the vampire who did it left me on the street for dead after he was finished. He hadn’t bothered to check to see if he had drained my blood supply. Or if I was still breathing. A friend of mine, her name was Catherine, noticed that I was still breathing so she had her father take me to his house and waited for me to regain consciousness. When I started to wake, he and his wife and children gathered around my sick bed and I smelled them. I attacked them and didn’t get control over myself till’ they were dead. To keep them from my fate, I drained each one of them and made sure they were all dead after I killed them. I could never forgive myself. I still can’t . She was my best friend. And I killed her father, Sidney, and her mother, Caroline. And her little brother and sister! Jack had just turned five. Miranda was seven. Catherine was almost fourteen. And so pretty and full of life.”, he said making silent dry sobs. He was shaking.
“It wasn’t your fault. You had no control. She is in a better place now, with her family. That was over three hundred years ago. You have to let it go. I am sure that if she could have one last thing, it would be her forgiveness.”, I said trying to calm his shakes.
“I lied to you before! I did know that you were with friends. But I saw you in the parking lot making them happy and laughing, and you reminded me of her. I wanted you all to myself. I thought that if I took you, we could be friends, and that it would be like having Catherine at my side again. Making me laugh. Giving me joy. Feature wise, you look just like her aside from the skin, you even had her curly black hair. I had always imagined what she would look like when she turned sixteen. And then I saw you, short, pretty, busting at the seems with life, and with long curly black hair that bounced when you walked and looked like black satin in the sun light. I had to have you. I needed you. I wanted to start over in some sense and do it right. And from where I stand, I failed.”, he said looking at the ground, shaking even harder with regret, sadness, and remorse.
“Hey! You didn’t fail! I am still here aren’t I? And I would be honored to help you start over! I can be the Catherine called Taylor. Every one deserves a do over. I am glad you told me that.”, I answered, worried about my attempted fail of calming him.
“No, I did fail. I told me I wouldn’t kill you.”, He answered through the shakes.
“You didn’t kill me. You stopped yourself. You. Didn’t. Kill. Me.”, I answered in his defense.
“I may have not killed you. But I took your life away. I had your death on my hands the moment I smelled your blood. The moment your heart stopped beating, I was guilty of killing you. And put a death sentence over the heads of your friends.”, he said fiercely, his quaking starting to slow.
“ No, you did what came to you instinctively, and then you saved my friends from death. And then saved me from guilt.”
“You wouldn’t have any guilt if it wasn’t for me. And your friends wouldn’t have needed any saving if I hadn’t ruined your trip to the Grand Canyon. If I hadn’t interfered…”, was all he could choke out before I cut him off, “Wait I never told you where we were heading. The only ones who knew were our parents and friends back home. How did you know?”
“Well… lets just say that in the parking lot wasn’t the first place I had seen you before, you know the woods behind your house? It is full of wildlife.”, he answered.
“You did not!”, I screamed at this new discovery, “Wait! That was you! Looking through my window! And you were the one who through the pebbles at me when I was reading with the window open. Did you write the letter too?”, I questioned. He looked up at me with big ice blue shameless eyes.
I then scanned the ground for my purse and grabbed it, swiftly pulling out the folded envelope that had a single piece of paper in it.
“You kept it!”, he said out of surprise.
“Yes, when I don’t feel good, or I get lonely I take it out and read it again and it makes me feel better. And it was pretty. I never told anyone about it though.”, I answered.
“I wrote it about a month or two after I first laid eyes on you. I just couldn’t help it, I wanted you to know I was there, I wanted to make contact, but with out scaring you.”, he admitted feebly.
We both looked down at the piece of paper which now lay open in my lap. It read:

I hope you read this from this sentence to the last. I have seen you around town. I like the way your hair seems to blow in the air on a calm day. I noticed the first time I saw you that your hair looks like tiny ringlets of satiny silk and shines like gloss in the bright rays of the sun. Your eyes constantly glisten and change in shades of deep red and brown, I got lost in their color. You don’t know me, but I know that you are a wonderfully beautiful person inside and out. I am far to shy to face you, but I dream about it every day. I cannot seem to get you out of my head. In writing this letter, I hope to make you aware of my presence and give myself a chance to think of something other than your perfect face for a short while. I hope to visit you in my dreams tonight, I hope that you take that in the lightest and best way possible. I only shall ask one thing of you my beautiful stranger. And hat is what is your name? please leave the answer in the mailbox, if you don’t I shall recede and worship your beauty from a distance.

Yours truly,
N. Williams.

Chapter 7

“I always manage to keep it with me. I was trying to figure out the mystery.”, I whispered in new awe in finding out my secret admirer.
“What mystery?”, Nathaniel questioned.
“I was trying to figure out who you were. And why my reply disappeared before I put it in the mailbox. But now I get everything. You really are a decent guy, Nathaniel.
You are nice and sweet, and I think your pretty too.”, I said throwing in a joke at the end to cover the catch in voice as I struggled not to get lost in his eyes.
“Do you have any control over that at all? Don’t you have any shame?”, I questioned.
“Over what?”, he asked innocently.
“Your eyes! The way they smolder like frozen fire, or icy lava. It really is distracting me.” I said exasperated.
He looked away ashamed, “Sorry, not really. It’s just…”
“Just what?”, I asked curiously.
“ I was lost in yours, they keep changing color. A few seconds ago they went from brown to periwinkle. It’s pretty, and it suites you.”, he answered.
“Wait they just turned a vivid red.”
“What do you think it means? Is there something wrong with me or is this normal?”, I asked concerned.
“No. sometimes when people are changed their gift gets magnified. there is a coven in Africa that has a girl who manipulates peoples thoughts so that they are forced to do her bidding. When you were human I noticed that yours changed slightly in color and shade almost every time I looked at you. Now the gene that does that has replicated because of the venom and now your eyes will probably change color every time you feel different. What were you thinking about a few moments ago?”, he explained.
I looked down at the grass, if I had had any blood left it would have rushed to my cheeks in a blush.
“Your eyes just turned pink.”, He teased.
“So its wired to my emotions?”, I asked avoiding his question.
“Probably. Try and feel what you were feeling when we were staring at each other and we’ll see.”, Nathaniel said.
“I don’t think I can unless we look at each other in the eye again.”, I stated sheepishly.
“Okay.”, he agreed already staring down at me. I looked up into his eyes and let myself get lost.
“ I think it is wired to your emotions. They turned periwinkle again. I don’t really know what it means, but it only adds to your now unchangeable beauty. Your irises are now the only part of your physical being that can change now. Personally, I think its cool I‘m sure the others will like it.”, he said while shyly looking away. I lowered my eyes.
“Well its not like they really have a choice. I guess I could get used to it. And this will make lying a whole lot harder, now that every time I feel guilty it shows in my eyes, literally. Hey will the others have special talents? Do you?”, I responded
“Me? No. well not that I know of. Matthew might have strength beyond ours. Even though we are seventy times stronger than humans and any creatures on earth, he will probably be stronger. As for your other friends I have no idea.”, he answered.
“Not my friends. Our friends.”, I quickly told him.
“What? I don’t understand. But I kidnapped you and I nearly killed you. I stopped your heart. I’m stopping your friends hearts.”, he stammered.
“You only kidnapped me because I reminded you of someone you were close too and you wanted a second chance. And to me, that is forgivable. And you saved me guilt, so we are even. You tried to help them. You did a good thing. When it was just the rest of us, we made a pact that was never to be broken, We live together, we die together. If one of us does something that changes them, we all do it. When my heart had to stop and they found out, they would find a way to do the same. The only thing you did was enable us to keep that pact. We owe you. You only took me because you wanted a friend. And now, your stuck with five. We aren’t going leave you out in the cold.”, I said, ending me prolonged speech.
“I never said I didn’t. You just took me by surprise. I didn’t expect you to be my friend. Thank you.”, he confessed.
“ I didn’t do anything to be thanked for yet.”, I replied.
“Taylor?”, I heard a confused voice say. It was strangely familiar, but now had a high chiming pitch to it now. I looked down at Mystien. This time I saw one of her eyes flicker.
“Taylor ?”, she said louder. And then, I heard her heart flicker a single beat and then stop.
“Taylor!”, she said while sitting up with gasp. I stood up and she did when she saw me. She was in front in a split second. I reached out and hugged her. She got the idea and hugged me back.
“I am so glad to see how you turned out.”, I said breaking the embrace and holding her at arms length.
“What exactly am I that you are so happy about? And why are your eyes periwinkle?”, she asked. So we sat back down next Nathaniel and Nathaniel and I explained to her what exactly we were, and why.
She took it reasonably better than I did when out that the others were following in our footsteps. Her only response was, “Their just following the pact.”
And then she accepted Nathaniel, as he is , into the group. I imagined that it would not have gone as well if she knew he was the guy that I said was throwing things at me through the window.
“ Why do your eyes keep changing color?”, asked Mystien.
“Another special vampire thing which reminds me, do you think you can do anything special other than the regular stuff?”, I answered.
“Not that I know of.”, said Mystien, “What can Nathaniel do?”, she asked in his direction.
“The same as you. Nothing”, he responded, “But Taylor and Matthew could have loads of potential. Maybe your eyes aren’t the only thing that’s wired to your emotions.”, he looked over at me and gave me a wink, and said , “There’s my periwinkle. I think that it’s my new favorite color. I think just maybe, I will try my hardest to keep your eyes that color. Just ‘cause I like it.”, he teased.
“ No you won’t! And don’t be mean. Its not nice.”, I replied.
“That goes without saying Taylor. And he’s right it is a pretty color.”, responded Mystien.
“Matthew should be waking up soon.”, said Nathaniel out of the blue,
“I changed him right after I changed Mystien.”
“Well, I guess we’ll see if he can do anything.”, I replied.
“I hope he doesn’t. He would a big head if he had something that we didn’t.”, said Mystien. Right at that moment we heard Matthew say, ”No I wouldn’t Mystien.”
“Matthew!”, I yelled as he opened his eyes and got to his feet.
“Hey short stuff, how ya been.”, he said while giving me a high five.
“Dude, it looks like you got taller!”, exclaimed Mystien, giving him another high five.
“It kind of feels like it too. Does any one want to explain.”
“Judging by Shelby’s heart rate, she and the other two will be waking up soon, before sunset, wow it got late, but anyway, if you can wait till they wake up, I shall explain it to all of you at the same time.”, said Nathaniel.
“Okay.”, muttered Matthew.
And as Nathaniel predicted, Shelby, Brooke, and Sam, all woke up in a few minutes time. And after a long and cheerful reunion, Matthew and the girls welcomed Nathaniel into the group after he explained the situation.
And Matthew was all to excited to try out his new found strength. Another thing Nathaniel had been right about was that Mathew was stronger than the rest o us. But as he tried out his new found strength on me, just to be funny, he tried to capture me and see if he could restrain me. And as it turns out, I was faster than him, which was strange.
“Well, Matthew always has been a little slow.”, I teased.
“No. I think you have found another little gift. Which is something I myself have never heard of. A single vamp harboring two gifts. Very strange indeed”, said Nathaniel excitedly.
“What did you just call me?”, I question, more concerned about what he had called me than my new found talent.
“A vamp. it’s a little nickname I made a while back to avoid saying the word vampire. It used to bother me. I mean when I was alone. Without my new friends.”, he explained.
“Oh. That makes perfect sense, to me anyway. And I’ve heard a lot about your new friends. The black Asian girl sounds hot.”, I teased without shame.
“Not funny. Hey I want to try something. I will be right back.”, he said starting to run off.
“Wait!”, I yelled running after him. It was not long before I caught up enough to block his path. He skidded to a stop.
“What?”, he asked.
I took a moment to look around. We were next to the road, where I saw the sad remains of Shelby’s truck.
“Holy! Wow. Man you got issues. Where are you going? And you owe her big time.”, I questioned.
“I am going back to your hotel. I’m going to collect some of the things that have your scent on them to see how you and the group react. Don’t tell them about what I’m about to do. I want them to be totally in the dark when the smell human. I don’t even want them to know what their smelling. Got it?”, he demanded.
“Got it.”, I answered. Then when he ran off, he was going so fast that his figure blurred. I ran back to the campsit

Hey Hey Hey! I'm an Author! I write novels and My friends are my inspiration!

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