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writers stop WOW now I'm just writing stuff here

Community Member
A start of a story....
"All he ever does is sit there and do nothing!"
"Shhh!!!! He might hear you!" I said to my friend Alana.
"But He's so annoying the way he just sits there and does nothing!" she said, pouting.
"Well He's probably just shy" I replied
"No," She whispered, "There's something about him that feels.... Off..."
'Or maybe you have a big time crush on him!' I thought

~Chapter one~
~Silent One~

Let me tell you what happened before the little bit above with my friend Alana....

It was an ordinary day here at our high school...
Boring classes, never ending notes, and not-the-best lunches....
Until one day things took a small turn when a kid came into our class. Everyones' first impression was that he was a popular kid transferred here becausse the way he dressed and had his haircut, but to me he lloked like someone who would pick on me.
"Don't worry!" Alana whispered, seeing the obvious fear on my face, "If he threatens you I'll intervine"
"I'm not scared!" I whispered back, though I really was because I'm the nerd who was one of the most picked on in the whole school. Or was I scared of what Alana could do to him. That I wasn't sure of.

After class we had lunch and as always no one but Alana sat next to me.
"Hey Dork!" she yelled as she punched me in the arm.
"Oww..." I whimpered, "You gotta stop doing that!"
"Man up!," then she caught me in my act, "And lunch time is not playtime!"
"But-" I tried to make an excuse but she took my PSP away from me.
just then I noticed that someone else was at the table.
I turned to look.
"It's that new kid..." Alana stated, "Wonder what he's doing here...."
"That's just as I was thinking..." I thought aloud.
"HEY!!!" she yelled at him, and everyone turned to look at us.
"Um.... Alana..."
"HEY!!!!!" she yelled louder and closer to his face. This one obviously got his attention because he stopped chewing. He stared at her for one second then started eating again. Did I mention Alana Is a short fuse?
"YOU HAVE SOME NERVE!!!" she yelled.
'Oh s**t' I thought and I gathered my stuff, stole back my games, and slipped away to a safer distance. The kid seemed unmoved almost like a monk meditating... Or a dumb cow in the middle of the road. After what felt like minutes ticking by he finally responded by swallowing and taking another bite of his pizza.
This obviously fed not only him, but Alana's rage because she slapped it away from him.
"Hey kid whats your name" She whispered dangerously, but loud enough for everyone to hear.
'When will the adults be here to break this up?' I prayed....
New kid had a look of shock about his face as if saying 'Where did my pizza go?....' but Alana mistook it for a 'What the hell was that about?' face.
"So, kid," she said, "Wanna tell me what your name is now?"
He replied with a sigh and started eating an apple on his tray. Alana gave up but obviously wanted to gut him like a fish.
"Come on..." she said wlaking past me, "We're leaving..."
I followed her feeling small and trying not to attract attention. I wondered, not for the first time, why she had chosen me to befriend.

~Chapter two~
*coming soon*
*please tell me what you think of chapter one in the form of comments*