I had a dream last night about Alek. It sounds funny but then it kinds of turns serious. So Alek just gets out of prison and we are all meeting him. We are at this park place. HA and we are going down this ridiculously huge slide. I know my some of my sisters are below me climbing up the latter as well as some other people. there had to be like 30 people climbing up those stairs. (thats how big they were in my dream) and i get to the top. and i feel the stairs start to wobbly. i see a bolt has been un screwed and is barly holding on but when i get to the top the stairs had broken off and everyone on the latter had died. i made it in time. and i go down and alek is waiting for me. we are both very pissed off and sad at the same time. and we were talking about how we wanted to see the guy who did this and hurt him. the most interesting part of the dream was that there was this guy. talking to looking at alek. and he notices a tattoo on his arm. he says something about the tattoo. and starts talking to alek. starts pointing at different guys who seem to be in there group. the guy knew that i was aleks cousin and wanted to bring more guys in. from there i had woken up. i wonder what thie dream ment.
Community Member
BTW, something they didn't mention: dreams can be just a mixture of things you saw/heard subconciously the previous day or whenever. its just your brain trying to piece together things to make them fit. so before you consider the deep, prophetic, or self-defining dinosaurs eating underwear in your dreams, maybe you were watching land before time with your kid while folding underwear?
Hope this helps. :]