Land of worry and uncertainty. Sounds familiar. The "What if"-game, even more._. But then, everyone has to fight his own little bundle of problems and yours are different from mine. Still, I can feel your worry - and can't give you the slightest advice what to do or not.
But advices can be a dangerous thing, so...I just won't say anything but will listen to you if needed so^^
And concerning Pat: He's got something like..uh...a roboter with him, all the time, and it's the machine talking to us, transferring Trick's thoughts into English xd
Shouyin Community Member
Wed Mar 08, 2006 @ 07:19pm
JERK! </3
Bubbles [v3] Community Member
Sat Mar 11, 2006 @ 09:40pm
Amanda is obviously a DIRTY DIRTY LIAR. D=<
Canada is an english country, except for New Brunswick, which is bilingual, and Quebec, which is mostly french. French is my first language.
Still, even in Quebec, learning a minimum of english is a must. I learned some at school, I learned more going to Florida and hovering around the Internet.
Remember when I first came to Leviathan Stadium? Yeah, I didn't know english much back then. ='D
Amanda got it wrong. It's not that I -can't- speak english. It's that I -don't-. Because everyone speaks french. I only use english on the Internet and with Queenie, because she has an accent when speaking french and it bugs her.
It's such a cute accent, though. =D
Hahaha. If you want, I'll record what it sounds like when I actually speak english. You'll see why I don't do it often.