★▐░ Y O U R ★ C H A R A C T E R ★ N A M E ░▌★
┃┃┃the T R U S T goes • ● •
┃┃┃ the C L O C K goes • ● •
┃┃┃the N A T U R E goes • ● •
Ever since he was a youg child, Israel has been quiet and serious. He is always calm, never angers... never shows any passion or emotion it seems. He has always forced himself to be serene on the outside, but only because he holds a terrible secret within himself, one that could tear apart the fabric of time and reality.
┃┃┃ the S W I N G goes • ● • Gay
┃┃the J O B goes • ● •
Works as a waiter at an up and coming cafe in New York.
┃┃┃the S T O R Y goes • ● •
Israel can't remember his parents. They died when he was just a baby, and he was brought to live with a rich uncle in Manhattan. He was brought up by nannies until he was 12, and then left basically alone. That made him very self reliant and resourceful. He went to the best schools money could buy untill he graduated from high school. He attended NYU and got a Masters in Music Theory.
His family name, Landau, is connected with old French money and a dark past involving demons and witchcraft. He knows this, has known this since he was 4, when he caught his uncle doing spellwork in the attic of their home. Since then, he has been learning all he could about the family craft and practicing in secret the ancient spells.
┃┃┃the S E C R E T goes • ● •
He has a demon who follows him, but he hasn't formed fully yet.
┃┃┃Presented By • ● •
Driinex Raedell Laneir
┃┃┃Theme Song• ● •
New Morning : Alpha Rev
SavingPollyOliver · Thu Nov 11, 2010 @ 08:06pm · 0 Comments |