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Amusing Thoughts About the Strange Emotinal States of Humans
Preapre for bashing of the human race because we friggin' deserve it.
So Nonconformist

Hello, nonconformists of the internet:

Congratulations. You are all idiots.

There is no way for someone to actually nonconform with society, because eventually all that you do becomes the norm, and therefore has become conformist, and the very goal you strived to achieve just ran away with a little finger wave and a rather obnoxious laugh. I imagine that most people think that wearing black nail varnish, dying hair, piercing parts of the human body, tattooing, and gratuitous amounts of make-up would be considered 'noncomformist.' However, I'd like to disagree, because most teenagers, a large group that make up so-called 'nonconformists', are imagined to be heavily made-up, tattooed, frightening looking people. Granted, those that are 'conformists' are thought to be Aeropostle-wearing, text-talk blabbing, airheaded people.

Sorry to break it to all of you, but what is now 'nonconformist' is actually the usual. In this way, all you nonconformists have failed. Epicly and entirely.

Even in attitude, you imagine yourselves nonconformist to a certain extent. Because you reject your parents or family, listen to loud and annoyingly musicality-empty music, badmouthing teachers, having blatant disregard for rules in general, and delighting in things that are considered disgusting by the 'rest of the world'-- good job. You have just done what humankind has been doing since the dawn of man. True, we didn't listen to straight screaming and double-bass, but teenagers have not changed whatsoever. In this way, nonconformists have conformed to the rest of the world, defeating their very purpose.

Good job.

All in all, there really is no way to win. Not that I'm saying go out and burn all your black clothes, dump your make up, and re-dye your hair something that isn't blindingly bright, but at the very least reconsider what is actually nonconformist or conformist.

In that, neither of them exists. And that means that their purpose is futile, and should no longer be taken into account.

Good luck at that, of course. There is no way to conform to nothing. Go ahead and try if you want, though.

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Tory Loser
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Mar 13, 2011 @ 08:41am
I like this. Being entirely yourself is a nonconformity in itself, but as most people are plain&boring, they're conformists by default. So, it's all an abstract concept that people can nitpick apart so they'll feel smart.
In the meantime, you & I will be drinking our tea, playing our pokemon, & above all, not caring about what is considered within or outside social norms. Because all that really matters is leveling up your Blitzle. :]

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