Name: Elizabeth Maria Freewall (Izzy/Iz) Age: Seventeen Race: Human/gifted (Gifted human) Ability: Pyrokinetic/electropathic Talent: Violin/Cooking/Writing music/Singing/Dancing/Drawing/Writing/Academics History: Elizabeth was raised like a lady with the upmost care. The first child in the line of a wealthy and noble family in London. She's very smart, kind gentle and somewhat reserved at times depending on her situation.
On her sixteenth birthday debates on whom would take over the family began, some of the family didn't want a female child to take over, even though she was the most qualified. Her parents worried for her saftey sent her to live temporarily with family friends until things were resolved.
She also has family that works in the royal guard, scotland yard and among other places.
Often the queen will ask those in line of the family Heiarchy to do work for her, work that the scotland yard cannot handle. Work that sometimes the royal guard can't deal with.
Cases that aren't normal, or human for that matter.

Name: Lillia Freewall (Lilly/Lill) Age: Sixteen Race: Human gifted Ability: Water manipulation/Air manipulation Talent: Drawing/Singing/Anything to do with art, no music. History:
Lillia being a year younger then her sister, looks up to her and supports her as the next head of the Freewall family. She's smart but a bit too rational at times. She protects her sister when nessesary, although her sister knows more about fighting then she does. She works with her sister on cases and helps her all she can.
TsunKitty · Mon Jul 04, 2011 @ 09:01pm · 0 Comments |