+ The Basics + Do fish sleep? 'Cause either my fish is asleep, or it's ******** dead.
 Name: Mana Dobronravova.
Nickname: Deb or Debbie.
Age: Seventeen.
Gender: Female.
Race: North-Eastern Asian - Hume.
Student or Staff: Student.
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Likes: Communism and Russia. The combination makes EVERYTHING fun! Also, hair, and the most stylish of s**t the world has to offer. The word 'stylin.'
Dislikes: Cats, bad hair, bad clothing, grapefruit, Dan Kim, her pet goldfish, TV, and her mopple, Mr. Muddles.
Sexuality: Blatant disregard for genitalia.
Crush: Kholya Khomko.
Relationship Status: Solo.
Special Skill: Hair styling. A goddamn genius with scalp fur.
Perks: Stylish as ********.
Fatal Flaw: That this is one of the only pictures on record in which she is not filter-deep in a cigarette, including those where she's sleeping and swimming, but excluding those of chibi her. The only other is when she was crying because someone splashed water in her face and put out her smoke. Probly has lung cancer.
Personality: Above all, style is key. If you aren't at least as stylish as she is, you aren't worth a dook. And no one is as stylish as her. Bases everything on how good it looks. If it looks bad, it looks like crap. If it looks like crap, she puts it in a Red Dwarf. She's constantly chiding people about their ugly clothes or lazy hair style and offering pompous advice on how to improve upon it, and she only stops if she has less than one article of clothing on and her hair is messed up. At that point, she just cries in a corner, muttering about how ugly she looks, desperately trying to fashion her hair into a crude noose with which to hang herself.
History: I'd tell you about her life up till now, but it's quite dull, really. Her existence to date has been as mundane and boring as s**t gets. She was never hit by any meteorite with radioactive mutant space-spiders or injected with some crazy drug by a mad scientist, not an angel born of a human or the beneficiary of some demonic pact, she was never even contacted by some dumbass talking fairy cat-girl thing from an alternate world. No, she was simply the offspring of a young unwed couple, like many other children. Honestly, I could go in to detail about her life, but we'd all be bored to tears/murder by some angsty teenager's stupid, petty problems, including the ones that have to do with her (For some reason..) attending some ******** weird-a** school for freaks where everyone is alike in the fact that they're unique to simple humans. Seriously. Even her power. I can't tell you about it, because it has no reason. No cause. It simply 'is.' It is a completely random singularity in the universe. The only thing that sets her aside from other ignorant teens is that, instead of believing that the universe revolves around them, she can make it happen literally. More interesting descriptions of herself lie in the 'Powers' and 'Personality' sections.
+ Fighting Style +
Weapons of Choice: Likes to use her styling kit and class supplies to horribly maim her foes.
Fighting Style: Quick, random attacks meant to cripple the enemy or simply hurt them. Mostly uses strong kicks and her power instead of using her tools.
Perks: Nimble feet. uh.. 'Incredible' hand-eye coordination? She's actually pretty average, physically.
Fatal Flaw: Bad spacial awareness. When she's looking one way, she's oblivious to what's in the opposite direction. Tries to counter it by staying mobile so she's not caught off-guard.
Abilities/Powers: Her one power that sets her apart from anything else is her ability to move the entire universe around specific objects, almost instantaneously. It's not teleportation, though it may seem that way to the human eye depending on how fast she moves space, but she's simply shifting everything rapidly. She is human. She's not all-powerful, she can't change matter, she's not immortal, she isn't extra strong or hyper fast, she can barely even shift more than one object, but she can shift any object, anywhere, to any point, almost as fast as it takes someone's skin to touch the air around it. Mana is a human, through-and-through, but for some reason, she can do this one ********' thing that almost no other beings can, and certainly no fellow humans.
When she moves the universe and something passes through or around another object, it causes structural damage as it would in any situation, except that, does she wish it, the object that remains stationary faces no resistance. Potentially, she could drive a tin can through the center of the earth if the can weren't melted by the planet's core. Finally, she can shift people, along with their clothing and structures or containers without the things inside tearing holes through them. This feat actually required quite a bit of practice, and dozens of redos on her regenerating friends classmates. By the end of the day, there were bits of clothing, spattered with wet confetti all over the campus, causing a three week investigation that procured no suspects on lack of solid evidence.
+ The Optional +
Character's Theme: Feels Like Meh - brokenCrossfader.
Battle Theme: Walk Theme - Bully.
Romantic Theme: Gangnam Style - Psy.
 And now, for a strongly worded review of my mopple, Muddles. Made By: Zeda Ennd.
Zeda Ennd · Sun Sep 30, 2012 @ 10:31am · 0 Comments |