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Wicked Monstrosity
Community Member
Le Cirque de la Flamme
Name: Caelum.
Stage name: The Ringmaster.
Gender: Male.
Age: Unknown.
Act: He is merely the ringmaster of this circus and does not have an act of his own.
Personality: Caelum is a mysterious and cunning man with quite a few secrets and tricks up his sleeve. His personality changes with each passing second; he could be calm and collected one minute and then completely blow up in your face the next. It is impossible to know what mood he'll be in when you speak with him.
Biography: Caelum founded Le Cirque de la Flamme many, many years ago. He charges a fortune for people to watch the show if they have not found a flier, but all agree that it is worth it. He has spent decades upon decades searching for the most interesting, magical, and dangerous acts to perform in his traveling circus.
Crush: Nobody.
Other: He is the personal owner of a strange animal that appears to be a cross between a tiger and dragon. Her name is Annie. She looks like a tiger with small black horns, a few black and orange scales along the ridge of her back, large wings, and a spiked tail.
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(golden hair with one white eye and one dark blue eye)

Name: Emiline Selare.
Stage name: Marionette.
Gender: Female.
Age: 19.
Act: She attaches strings to her joints and pretends to be manipulated into dancing by an unknown person above the stage. She also sings.
Personality: Wait and see.
Biography: Emiline is not quite sure where she came from or who made her. Her first memory is waking up in a ditch on the side of a highway, Caelum poking and prodding her. Once she was fully awake, the mysterious man whisked her away to his traveling circus and taught her everything she needed to know about the world.
Emiline is basically a living ball-jointed doll. She feels pain and sadness and happiness just like humans, but she looks like a living, breathing doll. She will never age and, unless she is killed, she will never die.
Compared to others, her act is quite tame; however, many find it disturbing to see what appears to be a human girl singing and dancing around the stage with strings attached to her joints.
Crush: Nobody yet.
Other: N/A.
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Ah, summer. Such a nice time of year. The air is warm, and the evening sun is just starting to sink below the horizon as you make your way home. What you are walking home from does not matter; all that matters is what you will find along the way.
As you walk along a busy street, lost in your thoughts, a slight movement catches your eye. When you get closer, you see that it is a small flier taped to a light post. You remove it from the post and see that it is an advertisement for a traveling circus. Although it is not something you might usually consider attending, you find yourself intrigued by the simple flier.


Come and be amazed by extravagant wonders from all over the world.

Admission fee not charged with flier.

A small, hand-written note on the back of the flier reveals that the circus is located in a clearing inside the forest a few miles from your city. You slip the flier into your pocket as you continue on your way home, unable to stop thinking about what you might miss if you do not go.

Cirque de la Flamme is a traveling circus founded by a mysterious man who goes by the name Caelum. It is known throughout the world, but those who speak of it do so in hushed tones. The show is constantly changing, either acquiring new acts from those who have come to watch the show and have been invited to join or cutting the acts that people do not find entertaining.
Cirque de la Flamme is not your ordinary circus. Nearly every act is unexplainable or supernatural, making it unique among other traveling circuses. If someone would like to join, they would merely have to find Caelum and show him what they have to offer. Even if you do not have a special talent, he is always looking for people to help him set up the stage and unload things from their gypsy-like caravans.



1.) No godmodding, and be nice to everyone!
2.) Try to be unique with your powers/talents if your character is going to be in the circus or wants an act in the circus. If you want to have the same power/talent as someone else, ask them if your character could be part of their act.
3.) Romance is encouraged, swearing and violence will be tolerated if it is in good taste.
4.) I understand writer's block, but please try to post more than one line.
5.) Try to keep the guys and girls even, please.
6.) Not everyone can be a circus performer. We're going to need some regular folks to watch the show too! Just because you don't start out as a performer doesn't mean you can't be one. wink


Character Skeleton

Stage name: (N/A if not [yet] a performer)
Age: (16+)
Act: (once again, N/A if not [yet] a performer)
Personality: (learn in RP is acceptable)
Biography: (learn in RP is acceptable)
Crush: (optional)