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Lianya Carosella
Community Member
Lianya Carosella character sheet.
Basic Info!

Full name: Lianya Carosella

Nickname(s): Lia, [more to be determined]

Age: 200 years old.

Gender: Female. [Obviously.]

Species: Demon.

Voice: Quiet spoken at times, a soft sultry tone.


Lianya is a very gentle soul for being a demon. Seemingly, they have very bad reputations for the few that are cruel and sadistic to other species, and even towards their own kind. She is kind and would gladly give her own shirt off her back for someone in need. She usually can keep her short temper under control, since she has to deal with those who are not so kind to her. Though, if somebody crosses the line she does not take kindly to it. In fact, she tends to give them the harsh treatment they deserve. Lianya can be very shy when it comes to meeting new people, but she is very sweet and fun to be around.


Height: 5'2"

Weight: 130 pounds

Body type: Hour-glass shaped. Busty for her size.

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