what is ur country,continent known for ? so lets say nobody's ever heard of where you from.. like colorado what can you say to make it unique? for example
Egypt is known for the Nile river,Pymraids,Sphynx(dunno howto spell it)
ok since im fom missouri i think missouri is known for the arch, sadly Re neck's (i have to admit when lot of people think of missouri they think red neck's) Missouri is right in the middle of U.s. well atleast as close asyou can get to the middle...
iknow this sounds like a dumb history or homework assignment but you dont have to reply .... i was just curious... i asked soe british people (rinaqa is her username.. she's british.. i think thats how u spell her username) says England is known for its castle's although most British people haven't been to alot of castle's....mainy tour wink ist's go to the castle's...
yay! im from colorado its a square state in the middle ISH of usa its mostly known for the Rockey Mountains! and also South Park is indeed a town in colorado and the ppl who created South Park where from colorado WEE GO SOUTH PARK!!! and we are known fr the avalanche witch is our hockey team that has won the stanly cup 2 or 3 times im not really sure lol and coloradains are knowen for being health freaks and are very active witch most of the time is VERY TRUE and i think my mom is kinda like that lol JUST A LITTLE RIGHT ALISON??? lol (shes super heathy person lol) xd i love colorado lol
plumpfuji · Community Member · Mon Jan 03, 2005 @ 11:45pm
Missouri (or Misery, as I say.) Is know for: ~Local people calling it "Mizzera". God, I hate that! My own grandma calls it that. CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT SEE THE "I" AT THE END OF THE FRICKIN' WORD?!?!!?!!?!?!?!!? Anywho, yeah Missouri-ans call it that (except 4 me.) ~the birthplace of Mark Twain And Walt Disney. ~Something about slaves.....I think it went that no one knew if Missori should be a slave state or not, then they desided to make MAINE a free state and Missori a slave state. Then all things north of some Latitude on Missori were slave states. Some Missori set the border b/w free and slave. Damn, I wish I could remember better what it was exactly.....Dammit, what was it called......oh well, after the civil war no states were leagally "free" or "slave" anymore. sweatdrop ~..............Tessy-san and Allison (pokemon master) were born here. This changed the world forever.
The world got stupider from Missori out thanks to those two idiots.
izam1 · Community Member · Wed Jan 12, 2005 @ 04:05am
oh yeah..i forgo about slaves and walt disney and mark twain..
yes missouri is known for our stupidity and weirdness!!
Cr8zy · Community Member · Thu Jan 13, 2005 @ 02:48am