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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
Faces in the glass
"Lord Dex..." The boy said softly, with hesitant hands he pulled off the white cloth covering his eyes, a tear rolled down his cheek as he set the worn fabric upon the table. A darkness welled within the young boy's soul, even standing inside the great palace surrounded by the serenity of others couldn't ease the throbbing pain he harbored deep inside. Being in the world of Tormented souls had opened a freshly closed wound cut deep inside the regions left forgotten in his mind..the pain he felt in those souls of people he didn't even know seemed to haunt him...In his mind a shimmering blade of blood called to him in the dark, his heart turning cold in his chest, he lowered his eyes to hide his face.

Staring darkly at his feet, the young boy turned to Dex and opened his mouth to speak when all of a sudden, the great doors before them flew open and many figures dressed in white flooded into the room.

"Good, Kanta's back." A woman dressed in a delicate white shawl stepped close to Lord Dex peering at the boy by the table. Her golden eyes locked tightly upon his presence as if chains around his pale hands.

"Tell us boy, how is it there? Any creepoids causing trouble?" Out of the group a portly man who looked like he could pass himself off as Santa Claus, came from behind the woman and took off his shimmering white top hat as he turned to bow at Lord Dex.

Hiding his face from their view, the young boy Kanta, scrambled to retie his cloth over his eyes. Facing them once again, he shook his head and motioned to Lord Dex with his pale hand.
"The Land of Torment isn't a place for monsters Admiral Blood, its a home for those who are lost. And no," Turning to face the woman with golden eyes, he shook his head once more and sighed. " Lady Robin, I know I promised you word of Sir Grim, but I never got the chance to meet him. I gave the message made out to one of the detectives to a Scarcrow and a fairy."

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A Jukebox Hero
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Dec 16, 2006 @ 03:26am

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