The room that was once filled with noise was then overtaken by silence. All eyes rested upon the figure of a young girl, whose golden hair shone like the sun and were tied to the sides of her head in long flowing pig tails.
"Dex! Dex!" The girl said aloud eagerly, stretching out her slender legs she ran over to the crystal table, her graceful movements entrancing ManDark, who was now drooling onto his shoes, mummbling her name over and over again.
"Dex! Its Kuzzie! You need to help me find him! He went to his home and and..and they are gonna hurt him! Oh Dex please help me find him!! " Flinging her arms around his neck, she sobbed and pouted like a child, her shiny blue eyes filling with tears. Knowing he'd never hear the end of it, Dex sighed heavily and patted his sister on the head, his eyes moving towards ManDark, who was still drooling, a large puddle was forming on the table which grossed Admiral Blood out so much he had to turn away and clamp his mouth shut tight.
"DeeDee, look ..normally I would go help you find that annoying thing of a friend of yours for you...but I can't right now. We're in the middle of a meeting." As he spoke, he watched as his sister's eyes filled with frustration but in an instant it was gone and was replaced with more misery. Hanging her head low, she brushed more tears from her eyes and looked down at her pink dancing shoes.
The room seemed to echo her sobs, making it almost unbearable for Dex to sit and listen to. He may fight with her almost everyday, but when you come right down to it, she was his sister and he hated more than anything to see her crying like this.
Just as he opened his mouth to offer some words of comfort, ManDark raced over to his crying obsession and put his arm around her shoulder. " Now now DeeDee, don't listen to that stinkwad! I shall be you hummble servant and do whatever it is that will please you DeeDee my dearest! You of all people are too beautiful and kind to be left standing here crying due to dispair!"
Laughing to himself Kanta watched as Lord Dex threw out his hands and grabbed ahold of ManDark with an angry look in his eyes. "Obviously Lord Dex hates when ManDark acts so mushy around his sister!" He thought to himself quietly. Around him however, the other members of the council were now continuing with their earlier discussion. They spoke with hushed voices dripping with uncertainty and fear.
Back in the Land of Tormented Souls..
"Whoooooooo man! We haven't had this much fun since...since...I don't know when!" Laughing loudly, Michell held his sides and walked along the people of his clan almost in a drunken state.
"HAH! Is that kid wasted, or is it just my imagination?" The newly named member of the Shadown clan asked the young girl sitting beside her.
"Nah, he's always like that. He thinks walking like a drunk will make him look cool."Chuckling to herself, Agent smiled brightly, her
dark lipstick wearing away as she drank more from the cup in her hands. " So, you like the name I picked for you?"
"Yup! It sure beats being called "Warrior". I swore if one more person called me that, I'd kill them right then and there!" Grinning from ear to ear, she pointed to the unconcious Kuro she had only minutes ago knocked out with her amazing strength. " Heh, when he wakes up I'll be sure to remind him it was I, REN who kicked his loud-mouth a** into the ground!"
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
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