Username: levitices
Name: leviticus (but is called levi)
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Age: 17
Race: centaur
Weapon(s): best with large swords but can use man ( cant use dagger)
Biography: was born in the slyvan clan, and all those in the slyvan clan dident like technology, one day he found a pistol and was kicked out, he was 6 at the time
Appearance: a centaur with no shirt, has white wrapings around hoofs
Other: is strong even by centaur standerds, can speak in toungs, is sexualy attracted to wemon of many races, and has centaur traits has a weakness, of fear of the ocean, and would do ANY thing for a woman, even if it risks his own life. he can run 150 mph at top but no faster unless magicly or natruly enhanced or mechanicly but thats rare. his blood has healing powers
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