
Are you into MU ONLINE?!
I am playing Mu Online, ITS the best free online game!!!
well you are in a 3D world...there are alot of things to do. It is a globol game which means, you play with other ppl around the world. You can go on quest, make friends, black list, join giulds, and wars and coo events and man, so much things to so.
To download this game you must go to this website. biggrin
or try a cool privite server, PHeonix Mu. Its really awsome much more better than the global. ANd new charecters new itimes and grow lvls much more faster they this (easyer to downlaod.)
Phoenix Mu

There is another cool free game. The game is called Maple story, its an anime game. THe game is really cool. YOu can walk around and killing monster and do quests, and many others. The equipments are cool too. The game is similar to Muonline. THis game is so cool I recoment you guys play it biggrin just go to this website to download don't worry its free.
This is about Newage.Newage is a browser-based game, Average life got you down? Paying those bills getting tedious? Suspect the wife of cheating? Come to NewAge!
A world where you can engage in hand-to-hand combat, explore space and it's planets, create empires and wage spacial wars (in a 100x100 spacial field, occupied by countless planets), build on 10 different skills including forging, military, magik and pharmacy, compete with other clans to claim glory, or take yourself on a solo mission of your own. In this world, everything that you accomplish is worthwile. Everything is interlinked. And best of all, if you die, you are revived twice daily!
and thats all about Newage3. To go to newage click on this link:

Or play this game Critticage. Fun, join gangs to fight with other gangs. Easy to play not complex. Chat, go to casino, make an army, explore space, explor undergrounds and many more. Its a Free game no need to download. just Register and play. just go to this website.

OR this game, Marcoland the warrior within. Fun, Travel as a hero, go adventuring in dungoens. many eqipments. Make towns. New type of battling. Join Towns and help other warriors fight. Become the best hero you can be. There are many things you can do. no need to download, just go to this website.