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writers stop WOW now I'm just writing stuff here

Community Member
Dream I had on sept 6 and 7
I had a wierd dream a dream so wierd I had to owake up in fear that if I went back to sleep I would be late for school when I get up...
It was about a boy who seemed normal until theese scientists asked him what five things he wanted and he had replied with "hills, sour fruit, to piss you off, forests, and home." and then they asked him if he went through a traumatic event but then someone looking like a buffed up version of him came up and snatched him and took him away. They weren't fond of each other then until another version of him came up, and this guy was cold no matter what. He explained to himself that because of a traumatic event involving them(as one person) and their whole family being burned in their mansion. God had saved the child from being burnt and to ensure that he would never be alone and to save mankind he seperated him and gave each of his five some kind of special power. He also explained that their memories also got split among the five. The boy couldn't comprehend nor would he believe that he had five copies of him. then the buff him said hey you answered on the quiz of five things you want "hills, sour fruit, to piss you of, forests and home, right?". he replied yes. then they pulled out the exact same tests with the exact same handwriting and everything as if he wrote them himself. they explained that theese tests were designed to see who was the one boy of five and they had to now go to a scientific labratory to be tested on. The boys agreed not to go and the one whom is always cold said he was to go off in search of the other two. Then the boy transfered with the stronger him to another school where they met another boy that had a horn on his head and exceptional hearing they had soon seen a girl in the backroom of the cafeteria and the boy with the horn went to hit on her but when he saw her face he saw her multiple eyes. he now heard what was her voice saying to him "do not be alarmed I assume you have a headache right now" and yes he did, she continued on saying "now the headache seemed to seep to your nose and ears. you have been through a horrible ordeal with your mother and god has granted us with gifts. Now god gave us a certain object that if we concentrate on that all pain will go away. think of an elephant and walk to your friend, I'll speak to you there." He walked off and heard her voice in his ear which was unusual even to him.... then I woke up but I knew that the girl was gonna explain that she has multiple eyes and telepathy because her parents were both mute genetically and all her life she didn't know what they wanted to say because they were poor and they all didn't know sign language. but god had gifted her with the eyes that see anything and the mind that reaches to others and that she had to find many others that also had been gifted and band them together to save the world...
I can't really remember the details alot but I do know that this is now becoming a story idea.....