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Dive Into My Heart
Yeah, if you've seen me come up in your notifications, it's probably because I bought fifty of your items and then did it again a few days later. I'm not a bot, the mouse clicking gives me serotonin and I am VERY neurodivergent uwu
Gosh, better late than never, I suppose.
Uh. Hi. I've been a Gaian since 2007, but only recently got crazy into it again. Every so often I would come back and sell any items I'd bought the last time, and use that to buy more items... then forget about it again. So i'd build a little plat each time, and then the cycle would repeat every few months, years... Well, now I'm an adult that works from home and I need things to do between the daily grindy tasks....

So anyway. If you've seen my name come up in your notifications, it's probably because I bought 35 or so items from you, and then came back and did it later. I'm trying to buy stuff that I think looks neat at really cheap prices for two reasons: I really want to start making outfits and selling them, and that I make a decent amount of plat flipping the items when they eventually go up in value the next time I log in. It feels like a safer way of investing that doesn't actually cost me anything. I don't like the concept of Gaiacash personally, (even though i have 16 gc on my account somehow.... not sure how, but I know they've been there a while) so I prefer to spend Plat on everything.

Having said that, if anyone were to read this and decide they have some items they want to get rid of in bulk (especially premium ones of any kind) please send me a PM. I want to make all the pretty outfits I can, since I never seemed to have any luck with Runway- maybe I can be a famous Gaia outfit designer or something lol. (I'm almost 30 and really bored. can you tell.)

Anyway. Catch y'all the next time I feel like writing something.

Roxas Strifehart
Community Member
Roxas Strifehart
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  • [09/16/22 08:04pm]