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The Journal of Awesomeness!
Well. For like the millionth time, I am depressed. My grandpa died, I'm swamped with homework, and I keep having dreams of people dying. Not to mention that I have been having visions of my own death. As I have no clue wheter I am psychic or not (I think I am), I can't tell if this is my imagination or not. But Basically, I am envisioning mysekf commiting suicide sometime soon. *sigh* But life isn't all about me, and the world isn't out to get me. Oh, and by the way. I've decided that I no longer believe in God. I don't know how someone can expect us to worship them, when there is absoloutly no evidence to suggest that he actually does exist, but...

My parents were pissed at me when I told them that. On to further rants, I have no idea what to consider myself. I can skate board, draw, paint, write, and play many musical instruments. But then, I'm somewhat emo in a way. And this seems to be the worst case of depression I've seen from me. I was listening to this comercial that was going on and on about what depression is like, and I realized that's exactly what I have. I'd been wondering why I'd been so tired and run down, and lo and behold. The answer.

None of the above probably makes sense to you, but sometimes I like to ramble about my life.

"A good friend is someone who listens, but also talks. A good friend doesn't always take your side, or like the things you like. A good friend should stick up for you, but also fight with you."


Echo _Boom_Wolf
Community Member
Echo _Boom_Wolf
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