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Rainbow-Flavored Ramblings

Community Member

I vote in the avatar arenas a lot and see a lot of cosplay avatars, and most of the time they end up winning. Why? Because Gaia is filled with fanboys/girls. I myself, am an otaku, but not an obsessive one (anymore...heh). When I vote for a cosplay avatar, the highest score I will possibly give it is 5/10 simply because of lack of originality. It's a bit of an annoyance, really, when you see thousands of Naruto or Evangelion avatars. Show me something amazing! Something thought of off the top of your head, a style that YOU, not an animator, created.

So what's my point? I went to the Community page today, and noticed that yet another cosplay avatar had won. I also noticed that the winner was getting totally bashed right in their comments because their avatar was unoriginal and "not expensive enough." Like I said, I dislike cosplay avatars, but starting a flame war over one is really ******** stupid. stressed Everyone has the right to enter the arena, whether for fun or competition, and it's pointless to complain and groan about it.

I hate flame wars even more than cosplay avatars. As if sitting behind your computer typing hate speech to another person with all your virtual friends is gonna make an impact on them. If anything, you'll get laughed at! This type of act reminds me of those elementary school arguments.

"You're dumb!"
"Nuh-uh! You!"

All it is is a back and forth exchange of words that'll NEVER go anywhere. If someone wants to debate, do it logically, not with the intelligence of a five year old, or we'll have to sit you in time out. xp

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