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The Chaos Has You I don't know what the hell type of randome s**t is going to be in this damn thing but mabe i should put a perental advisory on it

Chaos Twig
Community Member
Alright so just because *knock on wood* I am feeling a little better with life. I want to put something in here. I am at nine months with my love, I just celibrated my first christmas with her, I had the first thanks giveing with her earlyer this year. There are 8 days till our ten month aniversery and I'm pretty happy about that. things aren't going to rough at the moment (hope I didn't jinx it by saying that) and my love and me are getting along better than we where for a little bit there. We worked a few things out that where starting to fray and got things back to where they should be. So yea thats all I have got to say