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View User's Journal

Chapter one story one
Prologue part I
(Note to reader; the author of this story [me], struggles with a plethora of problems with spelling and grammar, if it bothers you, or if you would just like to save someone that it does from recieving a brain tumor comment on it, THX!

It was dark by the time that Rayan finally came to the city edges, and through the piercing darkness he could see, shooting from the camp outside its boarders, bright, orange sparks. Rayan watched as the sparks leapt to the sky sparkling and warm, then, slowly, consumed by the darkness, they fell back to earth in a slow spiralling pattern.
Rayan shifted his pack and hurried on, if he was too late he would never be able to forgive himself.
Suddenly, a noise sounded like a trumpet behind him, despite himself Rayan froze, every nerve in his body tensing like a spring. His hand flew to his sword and for a moment he remained this way.
Then the noise sounded again and Rayan spun around coming face to face, in nearly breathless anticipation, with Nick.
Nick raised his hands smiling "don't stop walking, remember. If you hear someone behind you, keep going."
"I could have killed you!" Rayan growled turning away starting on his way again.
"I don't doubt it... you always did seem to have a way with your weapons." Nick responded trotting beside Rayan.
Rayan smiled at the compliment, but than looked up towards the sky as a particularily bright spark invaded the night. At the light of the red spark a shadow fell over Rayan's face.
"How has the camp been doing?" he asked slowly turning to Nick with a slightly desperate look.
Nick shrugged, "it's been okay, but I mean it could be much better. The rebels have stocked up strong in there." he muttered nodding towards the twenty foot walls that rose up around the city.
Rayan nodded, slowly "it's hard to believe that something we designed to be impenetrable, something I designed, would suddenly be the reason for such turmoil..."
Nick laughed, "there you go again, always blaming yourself for small stuff like that."
Rayan looked over at Nick who's face was half-hidden in the moonless night. "I wouldn't exactly call this small Nick." Rayan muttered deliberatly.
"Come on Rayan." Nick muttered "you'll find a way to help us, just like you always do."
With this Nick walked a little faster and was soon out of hearing range of Rayan and into the glow of the watchfires that bordered the King's Camp.
Nick sighed, and looked up towards the walls, his heart sinking slowly and agonizingly to the very pit of his stomach. He had made those walls, he knew every square of stone used. There was no way in.

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  • [03/06/09 03:14am]