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Mah, playlist.

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Yo what's up peeps!?! >:{3 Yeah that's right fo~

This box right here is for me to write about myself like some self centered stuck up jerk, so that's what I'm going to do!!

I like drawing! I have never had Rissoto and all I know about it is that it's some kind of rice or something! I'm really interested in trading pokemon so send me a message if you want to trade. Though I'll only take stuff I don't have! I'm willing to battle on pokemon as well! And before you ask I don't have pokemon Black or White, and probably won't for a LOOOOOOONG time! Because I'm cheap!

No my life isn't just drawing and playing video games like a geek, I'm also a very pure bread band geek! (Not that there are any pure bread band geeks, it just sounds cool at the moment ) I play the Euphonium and Baritone! Don't know what those are? Well then you're not band geeky enough!

I like certain songs from ALL genres! Every genre has a good song in it! So they're all good!
The ones I listen to the most though are as follows
Mellow Rock
and Broad way songs! Like from Chicago or Les Miserable!

So that's me in a nut shell! Don't expect me to be this happy all the time by the way!


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C U T I E_634 Report | 03/11/2011 9:02 pm
C U T I E_634
Thanx 4 buyin' mam! heart biggrin
iLittle Pandy Report | 03/11/2011 8:58 pm
iLittle Pandy
tnx for buying smile whee whee whee whee whee
precious laughter Report | 03/04/2011 10:28 am
precious laughter
thanks for buying1179
R A I N B 0 W V 3 I N S Report | 05/09/2009 6:10 pm
R A I N B 0 W V 3 I N S
sup can i have ur twilight drop dead gown or sometin like that plz thank u very much
tetraxgirl Report | 04/06/2009 8:17 am
Your welcome, thanks for selling!
Souma Nezumi Report | 04/06/2009 8:15 am
Souma Nezumi
thanks for shopping ^^
tetraxgirl Report | 02/14/2009 8:58 pm
Yes, yes it did change.
Odd Colored Skittles Report | 02/14/2009 2:07 pm
Odd Colored Skittles
i changed it ya he he User Image
tetraxgirl Report | 12/22/2008 8:52 pm
DX Augh!!! What did I do?!?!

*Screams weirdly while dieing of stress*
Water of Fenri Report | 12/22/2008 8:48 pm
Water of Fenri
Who the heck are you... and who do you think you are??? Dissing em's avvie!!!!

You came to me in seamless sleep and slipped right in behind my eye, in the back of my mind. We swam the sea of pretty sights and chandalier skys, I swear I could feel you breath, it was all so real to me. Don't wake me up I am still dreaming of stories undone, unravle at the seams, don't wake me up and when I fall asleep, asleep with a ghost.

When I die, I want to go peacfully in my sleep like my grandpa,
Not like the passengers screaming in the back of the car.

Odd Colored Skittles
Holy Funky Chicken
Grim Oki
Water of Fenri
Eris is awesome


Life just isn't fun without being weird.