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I love Justin Bieber :P

Bullets are Justin's and the * are mines

• Born March 1, 1994, he is 15 years old. He is a Pisces
• Favorite Color is blue *Fave color is Blue because it reminds me of water and beaches razz
• He wears a lot of purple *I like waering plain things meaning no designs on them
• Favorite food is spaghetti *same
• Speaks fluent French *I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK IT AT ALL
• He’s claustrophobic *I am too, well sometimes
• Justin’s idol is Wayne Gretzky *My idol is myself ;D how's that?
• Prefers Mac computers *I really don't care as long as it's fast
• Favorite number is 6 *Mine's is 12
• His favorite shoe brand is Supra *Vans
• He is very close to his grandparents. He lived with them. *I love my Grandma so much smile
• His super power wish is to fly *I wish my superpower is to fly or to be able to read mind haha....
• Has a 4.0 grade point average *I get straight A's 4.0 average=I have it smile
• His favorite vacation spot is the Bahamas *Fave vacation spot is...Philippines
• He’s a really good beat boxer *I can't Not even close
• His favorite basketball team is Cleveland Cavaliers *I say Celtics!
• He hates Ugg boots *I'm good haha I don't waer Uggs
• His favorite song is So Sick by Ne-Yo *My favorite song is...Runaway Love by Justin Bieber
• His dog’s name is Sam *I have a dog in the Philippines named Spot
• His favorite soda is Sprite *Same
• He is home schooled by a tutor *I go to a public school
• Likes vitamin water *I hate Vitamin Water...I say gatorade?
• Loves orange juice *Orange Juice is okay
• Has a half sister named Jazmyn & half brother names Jaxon *I have a lil bro name AJ
• He is a lefty *I'm righty
• He can play trumpet, guitar, piano, and drums *I play a lil bit of Piano
• He likes Captain Crunch with Berries *K's frosted flakes biggrin
• He can count to ten in German *I can't speak German
• His best friends are Ryan butler, Chaz Somers and, Christian Beadles *I have 3: Jasmine, Karen, Jocelyn
• His shoe size is 7.5 *Im 6.5
• Likes sour patch kids *I say lollipop
• He broke his foot on stage during a song *I never broke my foot
• He grew up in Canada *Grew up in Philippines
• Likes playing soccer and basketball and hockey *I like playing softball but i'm not in a team
• His favorite slang word is shawty *I don't have one
• Likes tacos *I like crunchy taco from taco bell
• Favorite pie is apple *I like cakes :O
• Likes to skateboard *Don't know how
• Favorite ice cream flavor is cotton candy *I say VANILLA
• He is 5 foot 3 *I'm 5 foot 1
• Nick names are J-Beebs, Bieber, and Beebs *Nicknames: lexi or ami because firstname starts with a, middle starts with m, and last name starts with i
• Currently living in Atlanta, Georgia *I'm living in California
• “One Time” isn’t directed to a specific girl, it’s directed at all girls. *the song was stuck in my head for 3 days
• Said he would date a fan *He should date me biggrin haha jk..I want to meet him though


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Thank you.....please donate if you can....Im trying to finish my dream avi ^^

I love you all and thank you



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imsouljagurl9's avatar

Last Login: 04/16/2015 4:40 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/05

Dream Avi and Quests( every thing on here im questing and wanted)

My new dream avi smile

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Total Value: 1,635,158 Gold
After Exclusions: 571,663 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Elemental Wings
Black Wool Top
Winter Rose
Golden Sparkles
Blue Sweetheart Teddy
Birthday Crown
Satin Hairbow
Aqua And Blue Reversible Hair Pins
The Lusty Scoundrel
Water Meat Set
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans
White Nosey Face Tattoo

Please Donate and Thank you for Donating:
*****My Precious Donaters*****

Oooohhhhh my own article about meee! lol :D

HEYYY ya'll! look and guys can talk to me...I DON'T BITE! so its okay...
my fave color is ____?____ I'm not really so sure...huh have to think about that...if ya wanna know more then just hit me up and I'll talk to you. smile

KCUF da haterz, the sehctib, the cry babies, the solos, the demons, the snobs, the killers, THE NON-CARING PPL!

random stuff!

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what do u say when god sneezes?

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do u want to scream for ice cream?

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which comes first the egg or the chicken?

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what happens when u mix the colors of the rainbow?

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what's my best quality?

people love you for you boldness! you love to stand up for what you believe in! people look to you for advice and personality. you are brave and not afraid to speak up! you may be a little different form everyone else buy you seem to like that and except it. you and your friends have tight bonds that wont break easily.One of your drawbacks might include that you are eaisly angered, a perfectionist, or have mood swings.

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What force of nature am i?

You are pleasent to be around for most people. You jump for nobody and enjoy the spotlight. For those who don't like you... WATCH OUT!

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what kind of flirt am i?(its kinda wierd on the answer from the quiz)

36 crushers;D
Whoah! Steady there. You definitely have the boys/girls swooning when it comes to looks. Beautiful and popular, you'll never be short of company!

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What can i Say??? I'm Unique...not just like the other girlz out there...i'm just me though...



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u betta leave a comment or else..jk

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BerryCrazyK Report | 12/30/2010 8:49 am
steel de money
Until We Bleed Report | 11/19/2010 5:17 pm
gtg see ya laterz
Until We Bleed Report | 11/19/2010 5:10 pm
It doent show D; on tektek
Until We Bleed Report | 11/19/2010 5:04 pm
Well.. uhh go to 7000 towns and well talk
Until We Bleed Report | 11/19/2010 5:02 pm
I sould! infact... i might... > smile
Until We Bleed Report | 11/19/2010 4:59 pm
Nope... i have all week off.. and P.S. the iteam is called Embarssing Dream
Until We Bleed Report | 11/19/2010 4:57 pm
didnt really see it xD I just made this one from the top of my head xD
Until We Bleed Report | 11/19/2010 4:54 pm
on for a little
vanila mist Report | 08/25/2010 3:00 pm
i have been asking ppl to donate cuz my acoutn got hacked....they took ALL my gold and clothes.....i understand if u dnt want to help cuz no 1 does.......plz write back so i dnt get my hopes up thanxz =/ p.s.-luv yur avi
Until We Bleed Report | 08/13/2010 5:52 pm
How did you add music on your profile?!?!?!? Im KILLING to know sweatdrop I have the perfect pic's for my profile xC

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diz ma cousin so don't chu dare to fight wid her or else im da one whos gonna shoot u my gun!!!!!!!!

my computer/laptop is different to urs
so it might look different!

Got bieber fever? so do i! lol...i love justin bieber :D

I quit