Welcome to misuzu_kityo's profile page!
Please friend me, ignore me (hopfully not), buy me a gift, of just read my journal. Commenting here would be nice too.
Wow, I still never go on Gaia anymore. Maybe I'm getting bored... nah. I'm just too lazy or busy to. I've began to watch the anime Soul Eater. I have heard from my friends that it was good so I tried it and I do enjoy it. My one question is, 'Is Crona a guy or girl'? I really have no clue anymore...
I love my toy elephant :3

is smart
unable to draw on her computer
not huggable
doesn't like sympathy
hates unfriendly people
dislikes teasing
likes kindness
and happiness
HATES saddness
enjoys time by herself
and with friends
and with her sister
and with Gaia
finds joy in her Ipod
and in art
loves commenting on other's art
and stuff
thinks that she's writing too much
madly in love with anime and manga
smiles at the computer
proud to be different
looks away from embarressment
gets angery too easily
not a good thing
is glad that you took the time to read this list about her
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