sebas-chan is alittle too big .....all backgrounds i put up are drawn by me. unless i say otherwise, the characters are copyright to their owners, but the artwork and broken wrists are mine.
charachichi on deviantart.com

Oh wow my first real day on Gaia! Wow I made somany friends on my first day! Oh and a special thnx to bagel god for helping me with the whole issue with my house^^ and to kagome for helping me out too!^^
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do you know any red items that go around the avi's waist?
so when do you plan on starting?
That's fine. smile
and how much is that yo uask for?
Can i send you a avatar from tektek in messages? I can't ever keep one avatar for more then a day. ;-;
And something... casual, like a button down shirt with jeans. :3