Hello people of gaia and people who are not on gaiamy name is kaylee flores (dont ask if i have a middle name cuz i dont thats shows how awsome i am and i think middle names are usless becuze ur probably never use it =3)
im getting really bored on gaia sooo plzzzzzzz pm me or give me a comment im sounding very desperate right know te he
my b-day is october 17 and october is the best month
i got 2 dogs named shorty and cookie (yeah i know)
i love the rain and i mean i love it sooo much
i like thunder storms and lighting storms
i got two sisters named julee and bryanna
its a weird way to spell bryanna
i play soccer i used to dance then i had to choose soccer or dance and i chose soccer becuze i like hurting the girls it was funny when they got hit bye the ball they started to cry wimps
ive been hit bye the ball many times and i didnt cry i also got elbowed in the face and crushed under this really fat girl and im not saying that to be mean to all the fluffy people out their
im mexican and i can understand spanish but i cant speak it i know right weirdo
i live in southern california in a small city its called menifee
its not even on the news when they show u the maps to say if their is rain it only shows la lake elsniore and temecula weirdos
i dont mind people sending me random comments or pms i actually enjoy cuz im soo bored
i like to run and work out i love to run and do sit ups
i got rock hard abs people =0
i love tortas
and i love tacos
and tamales but i hate pozole
i like hot dogs my friends always say ur eating a pigs but but i dont care
ive only been to las vegas and mexicali
no where else out side of california
very very sad
i love roller coasters no matter how big i will go on it exept supreme scream in knotss berry farm CA
i love the loops and drops of the roller coasters
i wish it would snow in southern california all u people who have the snow u guys are lucky ducks
soo yeah i write alot if u get me talking i would talk FOREVER
see i did it again so im gunna say farewell peole of gaia on people not of gaia see i did it again k bye
|...........| Put this on your
|...........| page if you have
|........O.| ever pushed a
|...........| door that said pull.

I Adopted a Fishie!
Name: Queen of Leon
Loves: food, people, soccer, and horror films
No Loves: Quincenera's and noobs
Owner: Xx_ima krazy panda_xx (aka kaylee)
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!
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in like..
I used to CONSTANTLY chanqe it. But I find somethinq cute,
I keep it for a while then i qet a even cute~er one.
we leave ! Uqh at like what..? 11..? but for christmas partys N holiday N family stuff 'til 1 or 12..
So, what kind of party? Get toqether, or dance err what??
;DD so omq what's up??